Godzilla vs Kong Trivia (540+ Facts)

When the long-awaited movie Godzilla vs Kong was finally released in 2021, audiences all over the world were on the edge of their seats. This epic battle between two classic movie monsters had been a hotly-anticipated event for decades, and fans were eager to finally see how these creatures would fare against one another on the big screen.

What we got was nothing short of amazing! Godzilla and King Kong put on a showstopping display as they savagely fought for supremacy, trading blows and crushing buildings with reckless abandon. With such an iconic matchup and jaw-dropping action sequences, Godzilla vs Kong easily became one of the most talked-about films of the year.

Now that viewers have seen this electrifying blockbuster, there's no shortage of interesting facts to uncover about the making of Godzilla vs Kong. From easter eggs planted throughout the film to little-known tidbits about its stars, there is plenty to learn about this epic movie showdown. 

So if you want to learn more about one of the most exciting movies in recent years, read on for...

540+ facts about Godzilla vs Kong

#1 At one point, Mechagodzilla's proton scream briefly sparks with blue and yellow energy. This results in a very similar aesthetic to the space beams of the first Mechagodzilla.

Godzilla vs Kong: King of the Monsters novelization claims that there are at least four good Titans roaming the MonsterVerse. Despite the fact that civilisation hasn't always been on their side, the acts of these species help rather than harm mankind. Many of these ancient creatures may be found in the worlds of Godzilla and King Kong, which have been on Earth for a very long time. Godzilla, Titan alpha: There is no doubt that Godzilla is the planet's most vital guardian. Indeed, he is the only person to have risen to the occasion each time Earth faced an existential threat and saved the world. When the MUTOs were awakened by their need for radiation, Godzilla was the one to go after them.. In Godzilla vs Kong, he must defeat Ghidorah and prevent APEX from recreating him. Being aware of the Titan issue is a big part of why Godzilla reacts so quickly when there is one. He spends a lot of time listening, and when he hears anything that disturbs him, he takes action. Godzilla, on the other hand, has a far broader range of defensive instincts. In order to keep the Skullcrawlers at bay, the ape has lived most of his existence on a single island in the South Pacific. King Kong's duties have increased threefold when he was moved to the Hollow Earth planet. With so much going on, he may face more obstacles than simply dealing with the Skullcrawlers today. In order for Godzilla to free the Earth from King Ghidorah, Mothra sacrificed her own life in order for Godzilla to triumph over the evil Titan. According to what we know about Mothra, she looks to have a far deeper relationship to humanity than Godzilla. The MonsterVerse's take on the Twin Fairies seems to link her to an old cult that used music to jolt her awake. Those people revered the goddess Mothra as a protector deity who devoted her whole life to keeping the earth safe. When she's reincarnated, you can bet she'll keep going in the same direction. Behemoth was one of the four monsters in King of the Monsters to submit to Godzilla with Rodan. When Behemoth ultimately settled in the Amazon jungle, the radiation from his body refreshed the area and restored its natural beauty, as noted in the movie's credits, It was said in the Godzilla vs Kong novelization that mankind began to cherish its existence. Due of Behemoth's calm nature and favorable influence on the ecosystem, it differs from other Titans. When Amhuluk assaulted him in the Godzilla vs Kong graphic book prequel, Dominion, Godzilla rushed to his help and saved him.

#3 The Hellhawks are not hawks, but bats, while the Warbats are not bats, but cobra-like snakes (although the Warbats have membranous wings and the Hellhawks have bird-like bodies and heads).

#4 Godzilla vs Kong: King of the Monsters novelization claims that there are at least four good Titans roaming the MonsterVerse. Despite the fact that civilisation hasn't always been on their side, the acts of these species help rather than harm mankind. Many of these ancient creatures may be found in the worlds of Godzilla and King Kong, which have been on Earth for a very long time. Godzilla, Titan alpha: There is no doubt that Godzilla is the planet's most vital guardian. Indeed, he is the only person to have risen to the occasion each time Earth faced an existential threat and saved the world. When the MUTOs were awakened by their need for radiation, Godzilla was the one to go after them.. In Godzilla vs Kong, he must defeat Ghidorah and prevent APEX from recreating him. Being aware of the Titan issue is a big part of why Godzilla reacts so quickly when there is one. He spends a lot of time listening, and when he hears anything that disturbs him, he takes action. Godzilla, on the other hand, has a far broader range of defensive instincts. In order to keep the Skullcrawlers at bay, the ape has lived most of his existence on a single island in the South Pacific. King Kong's duties have increased threefold when he was moved to the Hollow Earth planet. With so much going on, he may face more obstacles than simply dealing with the Skullcrawlers today. In order for Godzilla to free the Earth from King Ghidorah, Mothra sacrificed her own life in order for Godzilla to triumph over the evil Titan. According to what we know about Mothra, she looks to have a far deeper relationship to humanity than Godzilla. The MonsterVerse's take on the Twin Fairies seems to link her to an old cult that used music to jolt her awake. Those people revered the goddess Mothra as a protector deity who devoted her whole life to keeping the earth safe. When she's reincarnated, you can bet she'll keep going in the same direction. Behemoth was one of the four monsters in King of the Monsters to submit to Godzilla with Rodan. When Behemoth ultimately settled in the Amazon jungle, the radiation from his body refreshed the area and restored its natural beauty, as noted in the movie's credits, It was said in the Godzilla vs Kong novelization that mankind began to cherish its existence. Due of Behemoth's calm nature and favorable influence on the ecosystem, it differs from other Titans. When Amhuluk assaulted him in the Godzilla vs Kong graphic book prequel, Dominion, Godzilla rushed to his help and saved him.

Full Godzilla vs Kong Review

#5 It was Bryan Hirota's job to ensure that King Kong's facial expressions conveyed his feelings. Hirota explains, "You had to sell that he had a connection with this little girl." with Jia and the unveiling of the sign language between her and King Kong. A detailed eye model was a huge help in conveying King Kong's emotions "In addition, we created a high-quality eye model for King Kong that is quite realistic. As far as determining what a person is thinking, the eyes are the most important piece of the puzzle."

#6 In Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, Godzilla launched an assault on Hong King Kong (1995). "dies" borrows the blazing, "burning" Godzilla from that film's dramatic climax, which depicts Godzilla's nuclear meltdown.

#7 The film's production started on November 12, 2018, in Hawaii and Australia, and was slated to wrap up in February 2019. At first, the film's production had been scheduled for October 1, 2018. They shot at Manoa Falls and the USS Missouri during the Hawaii production. From now until November 21st, Lana'i Lookout parking will be unavailable due to the crew's tent on the Kalanianaole Highway. The film relied on local talent and extras. Production continued in Gold Coast, Queensland in January 2019 for another 26 weeks at Village Roadshow Studios. Miami State High School and sections of Brisbane, including Newstead, Fortitude Valley, and Wickham Terrace Car Park, were used for filming. Wingard said through Instagram in April 2019 that shooting in Australia has come to an end. According to Wingard's announcement made in July, main photography has been completed in Hong King Kong.

#8 Intriguingly, the massive city fight between the two Titans at the film's conclusion was also fully computer-generated. However, the crew wasn't granted complete creative control over the final product. So instead of relying on their imagination, they had to base everything on real-life Hong King Kong.

#9 When he agreed to star in the film, Julian Dennison had a fleeting moment of trepidation. He was aware that Director Adam Wingard intended to make a picture that was distinct from the previous ones. A shocking early selection of the Titans caught his eye. On filming, they showed him photographs of incredibly poor CGI, which he described as "I remember them showing us photos of really rough CGI on set and it was basically giant Lego monsters chasing after us." in an interview. However, patience is a virtue, and after he saw what the visual effects animators had made, he was amazed by what they had accomplished. Even though he and his co-stars hadn't met the Titans yet, it was difficult for them to portray them. Thank you for your kind words.

#10 San/head Kevin's was utilized to make MechaGodzilla, which many fans dubbed MechaKevin after the revelation.

#11 Some thought MechaGodzilla was responsible for Godzilla's face-heel shift, either blaming him for the assaults or mistaking his search for MechaGodzilla for unprovoked hostility. The latter is, in fact, the truth. * MechaGodzilla's construction was widely thought to have been influenced by the bones of King Ghidorah. MechaGodzilla's brain, skull, and telepathic communication all come from Ghidorah. MechaGodzilla's existence sparked a lot of speculation about whether King Kong was really battling it disguised as Godzilla. In order to avoid being deceptive, several hypothesized that Godzilla and King Kong would fight their way through most of the movie's battles. Many doubted that either Godzilla or King Kong would die in the film's "One Will Fall" tagline, believing that the film would instead conclude with the destruction of both. Both Titans make it out of the movie unscathed and agree to avoid each other's company going forward.

#12 As in King Kong's previous battles with the Meat-Eater and Gorosaurus and the giant snake and the Vastatosaurus rex, King Kong attempts to break Godzilla's jaw during his second encounter, but he is less successful this time around due to Godzilla's atomic breath making it difficult for him to keep his hands near the King of the Monsters for an extended period of time. That's exactly what Anguirus did to Anguirus in his first film, and it's considerably more effective for MechaGodzilla. If King Kong hadn't intervened, the mech would have used his Breath Weapon to destroy the King of Monsters with his Breath Weapon.

They could be a reference to the giant snake from King Kong, which was filmed by Paramount Pictures.

#14 Brian Tyree is the name of the actor. There is no doubt in Henry's mind about Bernie's character. Henry said that Bernie's wife's terrible death turned him into a conspiracy theorist with a podcast, but he never explains why, with his purpose being to spread conspiracy theories "bring the truth to the people using the resources at his disposal. Bernie is always referred to as "Anonymous" in my mind. No one really pays attention to what he has to say." Henry playfully compared Bernie to Brienne of Tarth because of his protectiveness of Madison and Josh.

#15 The novelization devotes a few chapters to the story of how King Kong was transported to the ship carrier and then to the net by helicopter. For the protagonists, capturing King Kong from Skull Island was a big difficulty, far more so than the film implied. How would they manage to catch Nathan? He had a lot of doubts about it in the book. An expert from Monarch brought up the events of King Kong: Skull Island (2017), in which Packard fought King Kong, when he talked to him. By way of the scientist's explanation, napalm by Packard put King Kong unconscious. Napalm "sucked up all the oxygen from the immediate atmosphere" according to reports. Because of the size of his lungs, King Kong, according to her, requires a lot of oxygen. Because of King Kong's need on so many resources, defeating a titan his size isn't out of the question. While napalm may have worked for Packard, Monarch decided to use a different way to place King Kong in a safe confinement area—injecting him with an odorless poison that would deprive him of air. It took a few tries to get it to function a long time ago. As the scientist explained to Nathan, it was because to this concept that they were able to safely confine King Kong. They employed the same strategy to get him aboard the warship since they knew it worked the first time. To make sure he didn't wake up, they had to do the procedure a second time on the plane to Antarctica. This section of the book provides an explanation to the mystery posed by Godzilla vs Kong. King Kong's discovery of the entrance to the Hollow Earth in Antarctica relied heavily on the fact that humans were able to control him, although this was weirdly brushed over in the film. All of this alludes to the fact that humans have evolved to the point where they can keep Titans under control in the Monsterverse.

#16 King Kong and Godzilla are reversed in this film's title, with King Kong preceding Godzilla in the original's moniker.

#17 Adam Wingard was resistant at first to the big orchestral score as he instead favored a more synth-oriented score, but he relented after meeting Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL) and hearing what he had in mind.

#18 The King Kong: Skull Island-inspired Spirit Tiger and Fern Bird may be found in the comic Kingdom King Kong and the children's book King Kong and Me, all of which are part of the Godzilla vs Kong universe.

#19 People may enter a sweepstake to win Halloween costumes from the film before the first teaser was released by Legendary. "Win Godzilla and King Kong children's costume prize package and your kids can act out the GvK trailer until we finally share the real one" they said on Twitter, joking about the eager fans who continued asking for the film's trailer.

#20 MechaGodzilla has red atomic breath, whereas Godzilla has blue.

#21 Elvis Presley's 'Loving Arms' was added because "I'm the biggest Elvis fan of all time," stated Adam Wingard, adding that he's actually been working on an Elvis movie.

#22 When Adam Wingard first approached James Rolfe (who is primarily known for his YouTube video The Angry Video Game Nerd (2004)) to portray Dr. Bernie Hayes, Rolfe instantly turned down the part owing to schedule difficulties.. It was a no-brainer for Wingard to have Rolfe participate in the film as an extra or bit-part because of his admiration for Rolfe's 'Godzillathon' webseries and his own enthusiasm in the Godzilla franchise. In the end, James Rolfe was forced to reject any offer because of the approaching arrival of his second child.

#23 At Denham University of Theoretical Science, Dr. Nathan Lind is working in the basement as an academic outsider, owing to his Hollow Earth hypotheses. Denham, the guy who originally undertakes the expedition to Skull Island in order to produce a movie there, is most likely the inspiration for the fictitious university's name. In the original King Kong and Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005), Denham was the protagonist.

#24 Abandonment is a common topic in all four Monsterverse films. Ford Brody's father abandons him in quest of answers in Godzilla, and he becomes berserk (2014). In King Kong: Skull Island, Marlow is stranded on an island during World War II and eventually reunites with his long-lost son (2017). During Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), Mark Russell is only reunited with Madison in the end, and he refuses to believe his daughter in one of the few moments that they have together. Then there are the extinct giants King Kong and Godzilla. However, with King of the Monsters' poor box office performance in comparison to its predecessors, it is unclear where they are going next given their real concern for saving people throughout all four films. Before approving another Monsterverse film, Legendaries may be waiting to see how Godzilla against King Kong does on the box office.

#25 However, he does destroy a Heav truck, killing Maia and many troops inside, but he does not use his foot or hand to crush or squash any people.

#26 While earlier MonsterVerse films have featured MUTOs and Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla appears in Hong King Kong and fights King Kong and Godzilla in broad daylight. Mechagodzilla appears in the early morning hours, when the sun has yet to rise.

#27 The MonsterVerse Titans (including Godzilla) planned to travel to Skull Island to confront King Kong, as explained in a Godzilla vs Kong tie-in comic. It turns out that Godzilla wasn't the only one looking to take down the gigantic gorilla. Some Titans were shown traveling to Skull Island in the credits of Godzilla: Monarch of the Monsters, and it would seem that they were doing so in order to face the island's king. More than anything else, APEX and its Mechagodzilla plotline were at the heart of Godzilla vs Kong's story, but "Team King Konggreatest "'s challenge was dealing with Godzilla rather than APEX. Because they had no idea what APEX was up to, Godzilla's unrelenting pursuit of King Kong was their primary worry. Dr. Ilene Andrews (Rebecca Hall) was reluctant to let King Kong leave Skull Island since Godzilla intended to battle him, but she finally decided to take the chance. As a consequence, the King of Monsters went after King Kong twice. The old animosity between Godzilla and King Kong stretches back to their progenitors, as recounted by Dr. Andrews, but the two were involved in a battle for more than simply their shared history. The Titans must have thought King Kong was a terrifying beast. King Kong's "King Kong's status as an apex predator makes him a target for other Titans" makes him a target for other Titans, according to Dr. Andrews in Kingdom King Kong, the Godzilla vs Kong prequel comic. Following a long battle between King Kong and a creature known as Camazotz, she arrived to this decision. Camazotz wasn't considered an alpha by Dr. Andrews, but he would have been if he had defeated King Kong. Dr. Andrews' statements in Godzilla vs Kong support the theory that King Kong was targeted because of his might. That there couldn't be two alphas was what she said. In order to show to his adversary that Godzilla was the genuine alpha of the Monsterverse, it seems that Godzilla considered King Kong as a danger. He had to make certain that King Kong was aware of his position in the Titan hierarchy. Dr. Andrews' idea in Kingdom King Kong suggests that even if the other Titans weren't alphas, they might have been Godzilla's competitors if they showed themselves in fight against King Kong. This was not addressed in Godzilla vs Kong, although it has been verified, as previously reported, that an unknown number of Titans had set their eyes on Skull Island after King of the Monsters had done. In order to become alphas, they should follow Camazotz's example and assault King Kong. Godzilla vs Kong may have inspired other Titan contenders to seek out King Kong in the Hollow Earth.

#28 From the 2012 Comic-Con teaser and from the 2014 main trailer, Godzilla's roars were utilised in the movie. In the Heisei period, Godzilla's roar may be heard when he was ambushed by King Kong in Hong King Kong during their battle.

#29 According to the story's novelization, When Ren Serizawa examined Ghidorah's skull, he found that the bone contained metals and minerals that are very uncommon on Earth, and that Ghidorah's skulls were more than simply a protective covering for the brain.

#30 The first fight between Godzilla and King Kong has strong parallels to a similar sequence in 'Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth'. In both cases, a kaiju is taken from its tropical island and attacked by Godzilla midway through its voyage, and reluctantly set loose by the humans and then fights Godzilla in a rather one-sided battle where at one point they leap off a boat to avoid being hit by his atomic breath.

#31 While filming, Adam Wingard discovered The Hollies' "The Air That I Breathe" on an Elvis Presley Spotify station for the first time.

#32 It was rumored that Netflix had offered $200 million to screen the film, but Warner media prevented any prospective sales since it owns a quarter of a share in the picture. Instead, HBO announced that the film would be released simultaneously on HBO Max and in theaters. According to reports, Legendary was first outraged by this choice, but behind-the-scenes negotiations sorted out all the specifics and everyone looked to be on the same page.

#33 Mechagodzilla was in Max Borenstein's early script of Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the third film in the MonsterVerse series, written before director Gareth Edwards departed the project. While working on Godzilla vs Kong, Legendary Pictures hired him to edit the screenplay and he was happy to learn that it had reached the final cut: "To have these two renowned antagonists, yet none of them is a villain, made make a lot of sense to be there. The time has come to bring a memorable antagonist to the series." Mechagodzilla was inspired by vintage Transformers, according to director Adam Wingard. Wingard preferred Jared Krichevsky's approach after just his first iteration of Lindsay MacGowan's design. Legacy Effects also contributed Darnell Isom and Simon Weber to the project. As long what they didn't give Mechagodzilla "shoulder rockets" they were allowed to do as they pleased. It was Krichevsky's intention to make his Mechagodzilla as unique as possible from Noriyoshi Ohrai's advance poster for Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, which he used as inspiration for another Warner Bros. picture, Ready Player One. He used Kiryu's "ribbed neck and abdomen pieces" for the panels running down its arms and legs as a tribute to the original Mechagodzilla's Cross Attack Beam. The T-800's endoskeleton, the Dinobots from Transformers: Age of Extinction, and the spines of Mecha-King Ghidorah all affected its design. The chameleon hand condition and mirror hand syndrome influenced the design of the hands.

This wouldn't be the first time a Legendary film saw a human-created mecha controlled using a kaiju brain going rogue and creating havoc, as Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) featured a kaiju/Jaeger hybrid called Obsidian Fury.

#35 Unlike in King Kong vs. Godzilla, King Kong this time shoves an axe handle down Godzilla's neck instead of a tree (1962).

#36 As a Cthulhu-like creature, Godzilla's tail is one of Wingard's favorites near the 39-minute mark of the film. The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Jaws (1975), and Die Hard (1982) are all quickly referenced after that (1988).

#37 At first glance, it seemed as if Godzilla had lost one of his forefathers. That he and his ancestors were embroiled in a Titan War with King Kong's species has been revealed in the film. Ancient antagonism between the two was hinted at by cave drawings in both Godzilla and King Kong: Skull Island. Although nothing is known about Godzilla's ancestry, it is now obvious that he, like King Kong, is the last of his kind. MUTOs have killed at least one of his ancestors and may have killed many more. In the opening sequence of the 2014 film, a skeleton of one of his relatives, titled "Adam," was presented. The MUTOs apparently killed Adam before laying their eggs in his corpse. Godzilla is the only member of his species left in the Monsterverse at this point, and he's been doing so for millennia. In the Monsterverse, it is hinted that Godzilla's species was decimated by King Kong's wrath in the past. That one person's death was revealed in the moment when King Kong got his axe: the Ape was shown removing it from the Titan's head. Fans are divided on the identify of this skeleton, with some speculating that it belonged to a Skullcrawler or another enormous creature. The form of the skull makes many think it isn't Godzilla, but considering that the skeleton from the 2014 film looks a lot like this, the link doesn't seem to be implausible. Godzilla vs Kong: Godzilla vs Kong novelization confirms that the Godzilla theory is correct. Based on images she had seen from the Godzilla skeleton found in the Philippines, Rebecca Hall's Ilene Andrews was able to identify it in the book. It seems like an ancient King Kong murdered it by slashing its head with an axe. Because the skull is so much larger than Godzilla's, either he hasn't reached his full height yet or his forebears were much larger. A single King Kong may not have been able to take down this ancient Godzilla if it was much bigger than the MonsterVerse version. A single King Kong may have won by striking the head with its claw, which is something the Monsterverse's King Kong was unable to achieve in the movie, suggesting that King Kongs of ancient times were also far larger than those shown in the film. It's impossible to know exactly how many Godzillas perished in the conflict, or even how many took part. Regardless, the dead one discovered in the Hollow Earth temple may not have been the only victim of its side's conflict.......... Although Godzilla may have manufactured the axe used in its death, it is unlikely to have come from a live creature. Even if Godzilla's race was devastated by the conflict, particularly if King Kong overpowered them. If this is the case, it would have increased his animosity towards the enormous ape.

#38 An subterranean transit system based on the vision of Elon Musk is the subject of this documentary.

#39 In Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla, the design of Mechagodzilla was based on the biological components of slain monsters.

#40 As early as the Playmates toy line's first official trailer, the Warbats, Hellhawks, and MECHAGODZILLA were already well-known. A diagonal slash across King Kong's whole body may be seen on the Playmates toy series, which also depicts Godzilla and King Kong with terrible wounds. Pop! Funko! announced the existence of Mechagodzilla with the introduction of a Mechagodzilla Funko Pop!

#41 A reference to Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) and its two sequels, where Riggs has the ability to dislocate and reposition his shoulder at will.

#42 Godzilla's physical appearance has remained mostly unchanged from the first film. In Mike Dougherty's redesign of the dorsal fins, Adam Wingard was pleased. However, he did consider enlarging his cranium, but ultimately opted against it in order to maintain the character's recognizable appearance from the last film. [9]

#43 Adam Wingard, the film's director, told Dreadcentral that the initial idea was to include a post-credits stinger, but the sequence ended up being utilized elsewhere. "After the credits, we actually shot a post-credits sequence, but the video ended up being used in the real film. We never intended for it to be a post-credits sequence, but it wound up becoming the film's climax due to cannibalization. Rather than the intended purpose, we utilized it in a slightly different context "The director's response to the question of why they didn't simply film a new one was refreshing. "It's a critical moment in the MonsterVerse's history. When it comes to voting for more of these things, it's time for the audience to take the lead. Obviously, if this movie is a hit, they'll keep making more of them. However, because the MonsterVerse is distinct from the Marvel world, I believe the absence of a post-credit sequence is a positive. You don't have to do everything Marvel does just because you have a common world. In the end, I believe it's best to avoid pigeonholing oneself while writing sequels. I believe that some of the finest movies are those that can stand on their own, even if there is a sequel. As long as the movie depends on the next one, you're never going to get the full enjoyment out of the journey you're on. The post-credits sequence was shot, but it was never used."

#44 For the first time, Max Borenstein sat down with Screen Rant to discuss his time in the MonsterVerse. Borenstein said that he is aware of ongoing discussions about future episodes of the series, but he refused to reveal what they would be. "I've heard about some interesting new developments, but I can't tell you about them. They've got a good grasp on things, and I'm always eager to be engaged in their projects. Godzilla vs Kong was a huge hit, and I expect more great movies to come from the franchise now that it's in excellent hands. That movie did well and people liked it despite not being allowed to say anything about it publicly. The end of the pandemic surge coincided with a time when moviegoers were eager to see a film that was lighthearted and upbeat, and it was thrilling to have our film be that film."

#45 During an interview with Looper, MonsterVerse screenwriter Max Borenstein was asked which Titan he preferred: King Kong or Godzilla, and his answer was deadly. "That's just not doable for me at this time. I'm a mother or father "he said. When asked what it was like to write for the two, Borenstein said: "But I'm aware that they each have their own unique set of problems. Because he had a human aspect, King Kong was a lot simpler to handle. When it came to Godzilla, he was much more intriguing. I adore them both."

#46 It's the same story as Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla: MechaGodzilla is made up of kaiju skeletons and is overcome by primal kaiju instincts, with eyes turning red to signify the change. As seen in the second fight between Godzilla and Kiryu, Mechagodzilla swings Godzilla by the tail, just like Kiryu did to Godzilla in their first fight. While Godzilla and MechaGodzilla's jet engines are activated, the duo briefly mimics the cover pose of Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla's front cover.

#47 When you hear the roar, you'll hear a mixture of the roar of a variety of animals. Moreover, it is intensified in order to make it sound even more threatening. In several scenes, King Kong's loud, high-pitched noises are reminiscent of those made by his 1976 cinematic version. He also unleashed a roar that resembled Godzilla's Toho version during his fight in Hong King Kong. During Godzilla's attack, King Kong's axe generated an elephant-roaring noise, which was reused in the film, while the gorillas' screeches came from footage of gorillas rushing through glass windows in zoos. Before departing Hollow Earth to battle Godzilla, King Kong momentarily roared like the werewolves in the Teen Wolf television series.

#48 Wingard hints of a Godzilla that doesn't care whether he loses against King Kong, but instead enjoys playing with the ape instead. "He's smiling right in front of you, so take note. He seems like he's having a blast! King Kong isn't having a good time at all." after the first conflict.

#49 A month before its theatrical debut, the film's discussion thread on the Toho Kingdom forums had amassed more than 1,000 pages of posts.

#50 Concept artist Jared Krichevsky's estimate of the machine's construction costs, according to Apex, was $3 trillion.

#51 As a tribute to the actor, the film was released on his birthday.

#52 Bloody handprints from King Kong Skull Island decorate the Hollow Earth Kingdom's entrance doors (2017).

#53 Walter Simmons has risen to a position in the seats of power, and is eager to help stem the madness and the destruction, said Alex Garcia, the show's producer. Garcia described Walter as "a very complex character who believes he's doing the right thing" rather than a villain or a Machiavellian figure. It's possible that he is, but that's where the film's central enigma lies."

#54 On King Kong: King of the Apes, it is revealed that King Kong's species originated in the Hollow Earth.

#55 Mechagodzilla only has around 5 minutes of screen time despite being the major antagonist.

#56 Instead of his brother, Nathan was supposed to have died in the Hollow Earth together with his fiancée in a previous draft of the screenplay.

#57 Millie Bobby Brown acted out passages from Romeo and Juliet in Julian Dennison's screen test.

#58 MechaGodzilla's cackles after a short-circuit are reminiscent of Ghidorah's in Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019).

#59 Edgar Rice Burroughs, who invented Tarzan and published a series of tales set in Pellucidar, developed Alexander Skarsgard's Tarzan. For a land in the core of the earth, he uses Pellucidar as the name.

#60 For the most part, the outcome of Godzilla-King Kong battles depends significantly on the setting in which they take place. When Godzilla is submerged, he is able to defeat King Kong. King Kong has an edge over Godzilla when he has access to a large region with several high-rises to leap atop and hide behind (such as a metropolis). Even with a field edge, Godzilla proves to be the overwhelming winner in this fight.

#61 It's important to note that Mechagodzilla can only be found at the Apex facility or Hong King Kong, both of which were built just for him.

#62 When it comes to the Mechagodzilla films, the wicked Showa films (which were intended to supplant Godzilla as King of the Monsters), the Heisei films (which have connections to a King Ghidorah version), and the Kiryu films all come together in one hybrid monster (uses a bio-computer, goes berserk, and surprisingly agile). Additionally, it incorporates character design cues from the canceled kaiju film Berserk (taken over by some force and turning against its creators).

#63 Mechagodzilla annihilates the Skullcrawler in Hong King Kong at the same time as Monarch receives a signal from Hong King Kong. After examining it, Mark deduces that Ghidorah's call is being reproduced mechanically using an ORCA. Mechagodzilla, a mechanical replica of Ghidorah, is the source of the noise.

#64 The 1976 version of King Kong and Godzilla vs. Destoroyah were listed by Adam Wingard as inspirations for creating empathy in the movie. For the monsters' size, Godzilla vs. Mothra, Godzilla vs. Destroyoah, and Shin Godzilla were all used as examples.

#65 An allusion to the shark attack in Jaws (1975) when it climbs aboard the boat and causes its sinking occurs as Godzilla attempts to board the ship just before King Kong hit him.

#66 Bernie's radio message mentions that psionic connection technology is true for a short while when Madison and Josh are driving the vehicle. This plays a vital role in the last act.

#67 When MechaGodzilla is meant to be dormant, its eye shines and it makes a sound similar to the ORCA, which seems to be a signal from Godzilla. As with Ghidorah's victory against Rodan, Ren dispatches the test Skull Crawler. It appears that Ghidorah is still alive and well within, and he will take control of MechaGodzilla once it is finished.

#68 A year ago, when confronted with questions about the delays, studio officials reacted with concern that the picture might be shelved completely. As it turned out, it wasn't necessary. A year ago, Toby Emerick, chief executive officer of Warner Bros., announced the following to Deadline: "Fan expectations will be met in Godzilla vs Kong, which is exactly what they wanted from Godzilla: King of the Monsters. We'll be able to provide an A+ movie if it comes out later this year." Delay from 2020 to 2021 was undoubtedly influenced by the pandemic, but it also demonstrated that the company understood the filmmakers need more time to complete their project successfully. Rather of doubling down and putting pressure on the filmmakers to simply make it happen, Warner Brothers learnt from its mistakes.

#69 This is how King Kong puts an end to Mechagodzilla: by taking off the head with his hands alone. In the case of Ghidorah's left head, it seems Mike Dougherty wasn't kidding when he declared decapitation is a Running Gag (in some form or another).

#70 Helicopters take King Kong the rest of the way to Antarctica. According to filmmaker Adam Wingard, this is an exact copy of King Kong Vs. Godzilla (1962), when a drugged-out King Kong was taken into combat by balloon. For one thing, Wingard admitted to wanting to avoid doing something so ridiculous for this picture, but a void in the narrative necessitated it so they could move King Kong forward.

#71 Jia was rescued by King Kong amid the devastation of Skull Island's destruction in the novelization's prologue.

#72 When Godzilla tracks King Kong down and attempts to kill him despite the fact that he is in shackles and being carried across waters that are not Godzilla's domain, it is a bit of a stretch to say that King Kong kept getting in Godzilla's way. It takes the destruction of his ancestors' house for King Kong to come in Godzilla's way for the first time, and only because Godzilla unwittingly piqued King Kong's interest. We may conclude that instead of being the bad guys Godzilla and King Kong were just too egotistical and depending on their instinct to find the genuine danger, which caused even more strife. Aside from the emotional act of dropping the hatchet, Godzilla gives King Kong an unblinking stare before departing the scene.

#73 As in King of the Monsters, Ghidorah's first act after "awakening" is to slaughter a huge number of humans, in this instance the two people in Hong King Kong responsible for attempting to control him.

#74 The Goliath in Godzilla vs Kong's battle is Godzilla. Godzilla possesses a Breath Weapon that King Kong has no method of guarding against, making it impossible for him to win. It takes a jet striking Godzilla to stop him from shooting King Kong off of the aircraft ship as they face battle in close quarters. This allowed King Kong the time to shove Godzilla away. Godzilla once again shows to be the more powerful of the two monsters as the two battle in Hong King Kong, with King Kong escaping when Godzilla resorts to his Beam Spam. Godzilla, on the other hand, almost beats King Kong to death when he has enough energy.

#75 In the original film, King Kong and Godzilla had two battles; the first one finishes with King Kong grudgingly forfeiting, while the second one sees the victor swimming out to sea at the conclusion (King Kong in the original, Godzilla in this one). King Kong is put out of service by Godzilla during the final confrontation and resurrected and boosted by electricity again, although this time by a man-made source rather than an accidental bolt of lightning.

#76 Godzilla is King Kong's second encounter with a lizard in the Monsterverse, after his battle with King Kong Skull Island's Skullrawlers (2017) In reality, the Skullcrawlers don't engage with King Kong at all. Skullcrawler is seen, but Mechagodzilla kills it.

#77 The Skullcrawler has the shortest amount of screen time for a Titan, clocking in at only 38 seconds.

#78 At 10 mins.) Adam Wingard describes Godzilla's entrance as "our Apocalypse Now Godzilla intro."

Since Mechagodzilla is commanded by Ghidorah's left brain, King Kong's decapitation of Mecha G marks the third time Kevin has been brutally decapitated. It seems that Mike Dougherty was correct when he indicated that Kevin's decapitation is a common occurrence.

#80 When Mark doesn't detect that Madison has gone away for at least 24 hours, it's a little strange. His absence is at least in part explained by Director Guillerman, who needed him to help with Godzilla's rampage and investigate Apex, according to the novelization.

#81 A Stock Footage footage of Godzilla kissing Femuto to death appears momentarily in Godzilla's Monarch profile during the film's opening credits. Godzilla is almost killed by MechaGodzilla at the end of the film until King Kong intervenes.

#82 During their time on Skull Island, Godzilla disregarded King Kong and his parents since they had been exiled after the defeat of the war. Godzilla seized control of the planet, leaving the King Kongs stranded on Skull Island for the rest of time. A political exile is no problem for the Titans.

#83 While the robots of the Showa, Heisei, and Millennium Mechagodzilla versions have no free will, the Godzilla skeleton in Kiryu wakes and gives him a consciousness of his own. When this Mechagodzilla awakens in the climax, he demonstrates that he understands precisely what he can and can't accomplish and how to take advantage of it. Other possibilities include him being aware the whole time and deliberately directing Godzilla to strike Apex's bases with the express purpose of creating the appearance that Godzilla had gone evil.

#84 (Jia) is a Chinese word that literally translates to "home" or "house".

#85 Interestingly, the film's ending is reminiscent to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), in which two superpowered people beat one another and subsequently reconcile to confront a human and alien cross-species foe (Mechagodzilla has the blood of King Ghidorah and Doomsday carried the essence of General Zod).

#86 In response to a query about whether he had ever watched the current Japanese Godzilla film, which was also made by Hideaki Anno, the creator of Evangelion, Adam Wingard said: "Love Shin Godzilla. There are few better Godzilla flicks than this one. "My approach to Godzilla's atomic breath in my film was heavily influenced by the pinkish purple beams."

#87 They tweaked the lighting in several scenes to ensure the monsters were plenty visible, most notably the rainy sequence on the carrier. Pre-production originally had a lot more dark and rainy stuff planned as it always looks cool, but they trimmed it back to just this one sequence.

#88 At this point, it is reminiscent of King Kong (1976) when King Kong washes Dawn by the waterfall.

#89 On March 24, 2021, the film was released in theaters throughout the world. On March 31, it was released in the United States in cinemas and on HBO Max, where it was exclusively streamed for one month. TOHO stated on April 30th, 2021 that the release of the film in Japan has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19, which was set on May 14, 2021. Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Regal Cinemas reopened on April 2, 2021, and started showing the film with a restricted release. COVID-19 was a factor in the postponement of the film's release, which was originally slated for 2020, but has now been put back to May 21, 2021 because of the pandemic. The unannounced test screening that Warner Bros. held in February 2020 drew a "mostly positive" reaction. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the picture is being explored for a streaming release in November of 2020. WarnerMedia rejected Netflix's offer to distribute the film on HBO Max in favor of their own offer of $200-250 million, despite Netflix's best efforts. Theatrical release plans, on the other hand, will go through as planned, according to Warner Bros. WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar and Warner Bros. chairperson Ann Sarnoff discussed the possibility of releasing Wonder Woman 1984 in theaters and on streaming services at the same time. When Warner Bros. announced in December of 2020 that the picture will be released simultaneously in cinemas and on HBO Max on the same day in 2021, with a one-month window for streaming, they were not the only ones. Variety and Deadline Hollywood reported in December 2020 that WarnerMedia's multi-release plans and non-transparent intents have angered Legendary Entertainment, investors, and artists with backend obligations. Not only did Legendary not have a vote in the distribution of Dune and Godzilla vs Kong, they were also not given early knowledge of the multi-release choice. A more "generous deal" with Warner Bros. was being discussed, but legal action was being explored. Deadline reported a few weeks later that the film's HBO Max release may be preserved, but only if Warner Bros. meets Netflix's $250 million price. According to The Hollywood Reporter, a legal fight was avoided thanks to the agreement between WarnerMedia, Legendary, and Warner Bros. to release the picture simultaneously in 2021.

#90 (At 19:00.) Wingard drew all of Jia's artwork that was seen. "Because they're all such talented artists, the art department will never produce anything like realistic kid art. There is a lot of fun to be had with a bunch of crayons on the sidelines."

#91 Godzilla is modeled after the wrestler The Undertaker as claimed by Adam Wingard. Although King Kong is not modeled upon a wrestler there is a wrestler with his nickname named King Kong Bundy.

#92 According to the novelization, the Mechagodzilla's nascent awareness "did not know who it was, or what it was, but it was full of rage and the black joy of finally being" when Ghidorah's consciousness hijacks the Mecha and devours Ren's mind.

#93 There was a legend that the original King Kong vs. Godzilla had two endings: a Japanese version where Godzilla triumphed, and an American one where King Kong triumphed. The ending is the same in both the Japanese and American versions of the film, despite significant variances. In the original Japanese picture, King Kong triumphed, whereas Godzilla triumphed in the American remake.

#94 To begin with, Nathan is shown playing with a spaceman figure that resembles the army miniature that Ford used in the 2014 film before he was presented to the audience.

Bernie tells Madison and Josh that the flask is filled with "Katzunari single malt whiskey." when they inquire about what's inside. As "Katzunari" is just "Kazunari" with a "t" crammed in, it's a nod to Godzilla suit actor Kazunari Mori. MechaGodzilla, the character Mori portrayed. Aside from its contents and brand name, the flask's contents and brand name hint how the primary villain will be destroyed.

#96 The Mission Suit for Hollow Earth was the most hardest suit to create, according to costume designer Ann Foley. It was claimed by her "I began working on this outfit with director Adam Wingard right away. Adam and I were determined to explore a unique concept that was not based on superhero costumes or space suits that had been used in earlier films. We wanted to design a suit for the Monarch crew that would protect them from the possibly hazardous environment of Hollow Earth while also offering something unexpected to viewers. We wanted the fabric for the Monarch team uniforms to move and reflect light in a unique way, so Adam and I worked together to make that happen. After experimenting with various processes and inks, I came up with a red ink printed onto a black base fabric, and then added a copper pattern on top of it using 3D fabric printing. The suit's color varies as it moves, depending on how the light reflects off of it. In the end, the procedure was really fulfilling, and the end product is a fabric that is unique to the outfit and hasn't been in any other film before. Costumes were completed by adding a climbing gear and several gadgets that may be used in Hollow Earth to my team's outfits for the film." Her pride and joy in the costume was evident, but she was quick to clarify: "Millie Bobby Brown, who portrays Madison Russell, wears some gorgeous outfits. As a little child in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Maddie was a standout. In Godzilla vs Kong, she has matured into an assertive young lady. I wanted to convey a sense of power via her attire. That's why I chose Maddie's jacket to illustrate my point. Thought it originated from her mother's closet and she is still trying to rescue Titans from being wiped out. My goal was for her to wear it on the mission since she has such a strong personality. Every character in this film has a purpose, from Maddie's quest to rescue Godzilla to Jia's mission to save King Kong. The remainder of the cast is, of course, dressed in their mission outfits as they descend into Hollow Earth."

#97 Warner Bros. said that the film had the "larger viewing audience than any other film or show on HBO Max since launch." after its initial weekend. Between March 31 and April 4, 3.6 million US households watched the first five minutes of the film on Samba TV, and 225,000 households in the UK did the same. The film made $100.4 million in the US and Canada, and another $343.8 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $444.2 million. Samba TV reported this. When all costs and revenues are taken into account, Variety claimed that the picture would earn a net profit of $96.4 million if it made $330 million or more.

#98 Toho's legendary 1970s double feature "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla" and "Terror of Mechagodzilla." had a strong influence on this film's storyline. After first being misidentified as a danger, Godzilla is shown to be an innocent victim of mistaken identification in each of the films. Both Godzilla and Mechagodzilla fire their atomic breaths at the same same time during the combat scenes in each movie, and the atomic blasts duel for supremacy, with Mechagodzilla coming out on top every time. Mechagodzilla is also destroyed by a beheading in each film, including the latest one. Toho films depict Godzilla ripping off his metallic adversary's head. Rather, King Kong is the one who takes its head off in this film.

#99 The first time Alexander Skarsgard appeared in a film alongside a gorilla was in The Legend of Tarzan (2016), when he portrayed the main character who was raised by gorillas.

#100 Some of the concepts and characters from Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which was directed by Michael Dougherty and co-written by Dougherty with Zach Shields, were reworked to preserve continuity. While discussing his characters' relationships with other people, Dougherty disclosed how he wrote for each of them. King Kong will have "those very unique, and even warm, bonding moments" between King Kong and humanity, as Dougherty remarked, since they have been a fixture of the character since the original 1933 movie. Godzilla's link to humanity would be "more implied" since his gentler side is seldom displayed. Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein helped to streamline the tale by removing unnecessary details. Developing the world-building for the Hollow Earth storyline needed a lot of Wingard's time and attention.

#101 The pub has a neon sign that looks like the Legendary logo. The neon luminous carp fish from Godzilla: King of the Monsters' opening titles may also be seen at the bar (2019).

#102 Mechagodzilla's first incarnation was created by extraterrestrials as part of a global takeover plan, and all subsequent iterations have been designed specifically to take on Godzilla in order to save humankind. Because of his misguided belief that humans depend too much on Titans and have no protection against them turning against them, a Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist constructed this version to wipe them all. In spite of this, Mechagodzilla goes on the rampage on its own own, and is the first Mechagodzilla to be really wicked of its own accord because of Ghidorah's influence. According to the novelization, the Omnicidal Maniac motives of Mechagodzilla are still there, and if it had prevailed, the Titans may have risen in order to begin murdering all life on Earth.

#103 Ghidorah's remnants being used to build Mechagodzilla is a nod to Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993), in which the G-Force used Ghidorah's remains to build Mechagodzilla. Godzilla is killed by the leftovers of Mecha-Kind Ghidorah's program in a manga adaptation of the film.

#104 To give the film a stronger finale, Wingard chose to play the sequence before the credits instead of The Stinger, which was initially planned to be the film's ending. As a result, it was decided not to include a post-credits sequence, which generally acts since a teaser for future chapters, as it would have been too hazardous. Wingard said as follows: "Fans must decide whether they want to watch another MonsterVerse film before they can keep making them, I believe. [...] As a result, I believe it's best to avoid putting yourself in a position where you're unable to get out of it. We don't have a post-credits sequence because it makes sense."

#105 When he's at his most terrifying, Godzilla the Crocodile takes on some of the traits of the reptilian reptilian reptile. During his ferocious attack on King Kong in Godzilla vs Kong, he crawls about looking like a hybrid between a bear and a crocodile.

#106 After the Mutos, Mechagodzilla is the second villain in the Monsterverse to have red eyes.

#107 Mechagodzilla and King Kong go toe-to-toe in this flick. Previously unseen footage of King Kong doing something new. King Kong has faced up against a mechanical version of himself in the Japanese film, King Kong Escapes, but (1967).

#108 When Jan De Bont attempted a Godzilla film in the 1990s, it was suggested and illustrated that Godzilla could walk on all fours in a few sequences in the screenplay and concept art. Godzilla pursues King Kong on all fours in this film. Terry Rossio, who co-wrote the abandoned draft from the 1990s, was the one who came up with the screenplay.

#109 Carl's Jr. restaurants in various countries promoted the movie by offering Godzilla hamburgers and King Kong chicken sandwiches as a special deal. King Kong vs. Godzilla was lampooned in its original Japanese version with a line about Godzilla Yaki (Japanese stir-fry dish) at restaurants as well as King Kong being coupled with chicken, which was also a line from the English dub of the movie.

During the reshoots, they were trapped with a beard-wearing Skarsgard since he was filming The Stand (2021) and was unable to shave it.

#111 In the last several years, Godzilla's breath has become stronger and more concentrated. When it comes to Godzilla, this breath is just as destructive as Heisei and Final Wars Godzilla. King Kong's combat axe, on the other hand, had never been harmed by a point-blank atomic ray. Additionally, it is shown that the breath has the ability to pierce the Earth's core when charged to its maximum potential. It is reported in the official novelization of Godzilla vs Kong that Godzilla's atomic breath was provided from a power source located inside the Hollow Earth. A star-eating asteroid, in the words of the Iwi, was what they were seeing.

#112 The axe is aimed for the neck of a godzilla that has been engraved into the ground. The first time King Kong uses his axe, he strikes a godzilla marked on the floor under the throne with its teeth and a scream. Mechagodzilla's battle with Godzilla foreshadows how a godzilla would charge the axe (because they seem to share an energy source).

#113 Bernie's radio message mentions psionic connection technology briefly while Madison is driving the vehicle. This plays a vital role in the last act.

#114 The warbat was shown to have a previously unseen skill in concept art that was not utilized in the film. Illustrations of a titan with an electric tail appeared on Kaiju News Outlets' Twitter feed. A few of Matt Millard's early sketches for the monster were shared on Twitter around the middle of April. As he said, "the idea was it could tuck it's arms up to slither as well as crawl on its giant talons as well as fly"

#115 Because of his memories of Toho's Godzilla, Adam Wingard thought it was "insincere" to employ Akira Ifukube's themes again. He wanted to move in a fresh route and establish concepts that were distinct to Godzilla in the MonsterVerse while yet paying tribute to its roots.

#116 After killing the Skullcrawler with its atomic breath, Mechagodzilla tries to finish off Godzilla with its own atomic breath, a maneuver referred to as "the kiss of death." in the first MonsterVerse movie's opening titles. The same is true with Mechagodzilla in this instance.

When Godzilla and Ghidorah fought again, Godzilla chewed off the creature's head, which reappeared in the King of the Monsters post-credits sequence (Charles Dance). While Jonah was absent from this film, the character's head reappeared in the "Team Godzilla" storyline. They discovered that the skull of Ghidorah played a role in the functioning of Mechagodzilla, played by Millie Bobby Brown, Josh Julian Dennison, and Bernie Brian Tyree Henry. Mechagodzilla's body has a second APEX, according to Bernie. While Ghidorah's three heads were apparently capable to communicating with one another, APEX was apparently exploiting this capacity to operate its mechanical Titan. A telepathic uplink was utilized to connect to the skull within Mechagodzilla by Ren Serizawa (Shun Oguri) until Ghidorah gained control. The movie's novelization does at least clarify one mystery, which is how the head from the Mexico battle wound up in the custody of Walter Simmons and APEX (and could be a narrative hole) (despite being bought by Jonah). Two years prior to the release of the film, Simmons had an encounter with a person of interest. In spite of the fact that Jonah wasn't mentioned, it was clear that this was the person in question. His dark manner, wanted status, and possession of Monster Zero's head all pointed to him as a dangerous threat. As soon as the man revealed he actually owned two skulls, Simmons agreed to buy them for an undisclosed sum of money. Astonishingly, no matter how much money Jonah was offered, he let go of Ghidorah. As far as the Titans are concerned, Jonah seemed to have some fascinating things in store, so it's possible that he's given up on whatever scientific endeavors he may have had. Jonah's motives aren't clear, but as an eco-terrorist on the lam, it's possible he was aware he'd need a huge group of experts to support him in making appropriate use of the technology. However, APEX was a completely different story.

#118 87 years after the first King Kong (1933), 66 years after the first Godzilla (1954), 58 years after the original Japanese King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962), 57 years after the American re-edit King Kong vs. Godzilla (1963), 45 years after King Kong (1976), 16 years after King Kong (2005), and 4 years after King Kong: Skull Island (2017).

#119 Godzilla no longer Titan savior appears in the headline after Pensacola's assault on Godzilla, the 2014 film in which a headline read, "King of the Monsters- savior of our city?"

#120 As soon as he was cast in the role, Adam Wingard expressed his desire to avoid the "I just hope we don't have a silly scene where King Kong is being lifted by balloons like in the original movie." from the original film. Later on, though, he recommended that King Kong be flown in by helicopter, which he was OK with after seeing the concept drawings for the scene.

#121 (After one minute.) In order to give the impression that there was more going on in the forest, the gadget on the tree was included after editing. For lack of funds, they simply recycled an existing piece of technology from one of the HEAV aircrafts featured later on in the film as a new weapon.

#122 With red and blue illumination, Apex's facilities have a purple tint, but the room containing Ghidorah's telepathic skull is filled with purple light from the equipment attached to the skull. A fake purple light appears in Apex's facilities because they believe they are in charge, but Ghidorah's facilities are really purple since he is in control.

#123 When King Kong dwells in the Hollow Earth, this is the first time he has a happy ending

#124 It was revealed by Legendary Pictures through their official Twitter account that the lizard known as Doug from the Hollow Earth had a far more menacing appearance in the initial concept art, looking more like a cute iguana that didn't mind its own business than he did in the film.

#125 Josh takes Bernie's flask as a Tragic Keepsake from his wife's death to short circuit a control panel for Mechagodzilla's satellite uplink, pausing him temporarily and giving Godzilla and King Kong one last-ditch attempt to destroy him for good..

#126 Compared to King Kong, Godzilla had just 11 minutes of screen time.

#127 Toby Emmerich, chairman of Warner Bros. Studios, spoke with media outlet Deadline in June 2019 about handling the movie studio after the ouster of Kevin Tsujihara. Godzilla vs Kong was one among the numerous topics he brought up while talking about Godzilla: King of the Monsters' underwhelming box revenue and critical reaction (2019). This might mean a later release date for Godzilla vs Kong, the CEO said up front, in order to provide the greatest possible experience for fans. Even though director Adam Wingard had declared a finish on primary filming, Deadline speculated that the company may request reshoots. Delaying the release of Godzilla, King of the Monsters from March 2020 to the summer or holiday seasons may also be a mistake since it would place the picture in the heart of weekends filled with other blockbusters, which is one reason why Godzilla, King of the Monsters didn't perform as well as planned. Delaying this and all other films, the epidemic struck in March 2020. Finally, Godzilla vs Kong was released on March 31, 2021, a full year after the epidemic began, and it had the biggest opening weekend of any film released during the pandemic.

#128 According to Adam Wingard, when questioned about King Kong's age, he said that the creature is in his late thirties or early forties when it comes to biological age. Skull Island's instability caused him age faster, but because he's no longer on the island, he won't and may even renew on the Hollow Earth, according to Max Borenstein, the film's screenwriter.

#129 Prior to filming, "I just want to see Godzilla and King Kong fighting in a synth-wave neon city, and that is 100 percent my main drive." Visual effects artists were instrumental in bringing his vision to life.

#130 After Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) and 50 years after King Kong: Skull Island (2017), the film takes place in 2019.

#131 When it came to the original Godzilla against King Ghidorah movie, the finale was one of the most contentious issues among fans. When King Kong defeated Godzilla in the first film, it was because he was granted lightning abilities to combat him, which were Godzilla's vulnerability at the time. When Godzilla gets serious about the battle, King Kong will be annihilated.

#132 The last shot of Godzilla swimming away is reminiscent of King Kong swimming away after his battle with Godzilla underwater in Godzilla vs Kong.

#133 Rikidôzan and his Japanese tag team colleagues Toyonobori and Great Togo faced off against American challengers Freddie Blassie, Lou Thesz, and Mike Sharpe in a pro-wrestling battle. A bleeding gash on Great Togo was seen on Japanese television during this match. Several spectators fell to the ground and 11 elderly viewers died of heart attacks as a result of their horror at the gruesomeness of the film. Critics such as social critic Soichi Oya warned that TV was producing an idiotic society by criticizing the country's growing reliance on it. When the monsters in the original film were used to represent wrestlers, it was because of the excitement around this East versus West bout.

#134 A huge storm has turned Skull Island uninhabitable, as shown at the conclusion of The Son of King Kong and in the Manual materials for the universe of the 2005 film where a storm was partially what caused the island to fall under the seas, as briefly referenced towards the beginning and middle.

Actor Demián Bichir follows Vera Farmiga into Godzilla: King of Monsters, which starred Demián Bichir's character from The Conjuring (2019).

#136 Because to the incorporation of King Ghidorah's brain into MechaGodzilla, the monster is essentially a half-resurrected version of himself. In the event that MechaGodzilla goes on the rampage and murders his creators, it becomes evident that this is a problem.

#137 King Kong and Godzilla will appear together for the first time since King Kong vs. Godzilla 59 years ago (1963).

#138 As Dr. Andrews foreshadowed, when Godzilla defeated King Kong in Hong King Kong, King Kong refused to kneel to the mighty monster when he roared at him in a display of dominance, as Dr. Andrews had predicted.

#139 When Godzilla attacked King Kong, Adam Wingard termed it the "b*tch slap" because it was so brutal.

#140 A preview of Godzilla's atomic breath explosion into Hollow Earth may be seen when Godzilla battles King Kong at sea and uses his atomic breath from underwater to try to kill King Kong, but he manages to evade it and destroy the ship carrier in the process.

#141 In addition to co-founding and handling the effects work on most of Peter Jackson's films, including King Kong (2005), Weta Digital was also responsible for this film's visual effects.

#142 While watching Godzilla and King Kong on HBO Max, the English subtitles refer to the Skullcrawlers as "Skull-crawlers"

#143 While Dr. Andrews worries about Jia getting too near to King Kong aboard the Navy ship later in the film, it's not explained why she was allowed to approach him unsupervised within King Kong's bio-dome. According to the novelization, Jia sneaked out of Andrews' room when he was still sleeping.

#144 It's impossible for the Mechagodzilla to use the Weather Manipulation or Healing Factor of Ghidorah if Ghidorah's ashes override the programming. There's little doubt that in the Final Battle, the combined might of Mechagodzilla and King Kong's fearsome intelligence enable him to kill them both with terrifying efficiency, keeping both on edge until a flaw in his armor is discovered. The novelization and film both assume that if the Mecha kills Godzilla and King Kong, it will be able to take control of the other Titans in the same way Ghidorah did, meaning it has the power to wipe out the whole planet.

#145 The director, Adam Wingard, was able to decipher all the monsters' grunting and yelping, serving as a kind of translator for the performers on site. An interview with IMDb Chat by Isa Gonzalez revealed that she had a wonderful experience working with the director on the film "When I first met him, I couldn't help but notice how much of an expert on the subject he was. This is hilarious, since he would snarl at us. He's either sad, really pleased, or menacing, depending on your perspective."

#146 Apex Cybernetics refers to this version of Godzilla as the Mecha, however Josh Valentine, a member of Team Godzilla, refers to it as Mechagodzilla after first seeing it.

#147 For one day, the hashtag #ContinueTheMonsterverse was the top trending topic on social media in the United States as fans begged Legendary to continue the series. Even Jordan Vogt-Roberts, director of King Kong: Skull Island (2017), and Legendary Pictures, the studio behind the film, took notice.

#148 Julian Dennison appeared opposite Sam Neill in the 2016 film Hunt for the Wilderpeople. In addition to Jurassic Park (1993), Jurassic Park lll (2001), and Jurassic World Dominion (2002), Neil has also appeared in films featuring enormous dinosaurs (2022).

#149 As Nathan explains in King Kong: Skull Island, the forefathers of King Kong travelled to Skull Island by way of the tunnels that linked to the Hollow Earth. The Skull Island (2017): the remains of King Kongs The skull crawlers are revealed to have murdered the parents. The Iwi's forefathers may have erected the temple in the hollow ground. In the hollow earth temple, there are also large sculptures of King Kong, which suggests that they lived thousands of years ago. One of these civilizations predating the Egyptian and Roman civilizations is seen by Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), a further indication that humanity and Godzilla's species coexisted in the past.

#150 Godzilla vs Kong was reviewed on the Now Playing Podcast. There were three "recommends" for this picture.

#151 The Iwi were evacuated from Skull Island by Monarch in one piece of art, while King Kong watched the bones of the Valley of the Fallen Gods be buried by lava in a second.

#152 Angry Video Game Nerd and Monster Madness Godzillathon founder James Rolfe was given a cameo part in this film by Adam Wingard. Due to the birth of his daughter, Rolfe was unable to accept the offer.

#153 Mechagodzilla's Desert Storm form has been seen in new concept art by Jared Krichevsky. Mechagodzilla is shown in a more military color palette in this piece of artwork, which was tweeted by Krichevsky. "Desert Storm MechaG. Material option I played with while showing them other looks," Krichevsky said in an earlier tweet. "This was a bit of a wild card idea, since I didn't know anything about the story," he continued. "I wondered if he was being made by the military."

#154 Skullcrawler reproduction is briefly addressed in the novelization, despite the fact that they are basically simply devouring robots that are driven by terror hunger. Copulation is frequently a case of conceive and kill for the copulating male, according to certain research.

Adam Wingard, the filmmaker, said in an interview that he rewatched some of the Godzilla and King Kong movies from his childhood in order to reawaken his childhood feelings of empathy for the monsters. In fact, he intends to include an emotional component in his giant monster crossover in order to do just that: "Some of the Godzilla movies I hadn't watched for many years, so it was a lot of joy to rediscover them. For me, it was an incredible experience to be able to essentially go back in time and relive that moment when I thought Godzilla was going to lose the fight in this movie. That was crucial because it reminded me of the kinds of emotions that people would have when seeing Godzilla vs Kong in the future. What I'm trying to do is to evoke a sense of gravity in the reader toward the characters. I want you to care about the monsters as much as you care about the human characters. If I had my way, I'd want the audience to be so immersed in the story that they'll be so overcome with emotion at the conclusion of the film."

#156 In the beginning, Adam Wingard wanted to produce massive action/sci-fi films, but he soon realized that "you can't just start here." Full Sail Film School in Florida, working on small films, and working his way up the ranks are some of the stories he shares. His first line of defense for Home Sick (2007) is, "I made a really bad slasher movie which no one's ever seen," He quickly corrects himself and highlights the movie's many excellent aspects, such as the gore and entertaining cast. 2010's A Horrible Way to Die was his first "big budget" film, costing $70,000 to make.

#157 Kaylee Hottle wowed Adam Wingard in the last round of auditions for Jia, making it evident that she was a professional. She was "and she was just completely deadpan." when he attempted Michael Jackson's Moonwalk in an effort to make her laugh. After that, he learnt to "just stay out of her way." and let her do what she wanted.

#158 Rock Critters are attacked by many Hollow Earth lizards in the film's novelization, rather than just one.

#159 T-jaw Rex's was broken in the original King Kong (1933) by King Kong's forceful opening of the creature's jaws. There have been many subsequent King Kong films where this identical method has been used to kill a monster and it is no surprise that he attempts it against Godzilla even though he fails.

#160 There are stats for Godzilla, King Kong, the 2014 female MUTO, a Skullcrawler from Skull Island, and Ghidorah from King of the Monsters at the conclusion of the credits. As a result of King Kong's intelligence and usage of tools like axes, Godzilla can walk at an average of 18 miles per hour. To add insult to injury, "dismemberment," "and atomic combustion" are recorded as the manners in which the three defeated creatures died.

#161 The Terapusmordax from the 2005 King Kong film has a lot in common with how the Hellhawks fly and attack.

#162 King Kong is seen for the first time learning a sign language in this film.

#163 After giving birth to her first child, Rebecca Hall's involvement in the film was "overwhelming" but she found the experience "thrilling"

#164 In an image evocative to Predator (particularly, Predator 2, the City Hunter with Jerry Lambert's skull), King Kong rips Mechagodzilla's head off with a hanging spinal column and roars. When King Kong lets out a roar like this, it reminds me of a Predator's triumphant cry.

#165 Titanus Warbats are the name given to the cobra-like snakes that inhabit the Hollow Earth, despite the fact that they were formerly referred to as "Nozuki."

#166 It was released in Germany as "King Kong gegen Godzilla" for the original Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla (1974). (King Kong vs Godzilla). The German dubbed version of the film referred to MechaGodzilla as King Kong.

#167 A few feet have been added to Godzilla's height since the events of the last film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019). After Godzilla: King of the Monsters, this is the second time he is seen standing at 400 feet! (1956). King Kong, on the other hand, has grown by 232 feet (70.7 meters) between King Kong: Skull Island (2017) and this picture, standing at 336 feet (102.4 meters). He previously stood at 104 feet (31.7 meters).

#168 Unused concept art showed the Warbat with a shocking new ability that was not seen in the film. The art was posted on Kaiju News Outlet's Twitter account and showcases the Titan with an electric tail. Artist Matt Millard posted some of his early designs for the creature on Twitter in mid-April. "The idea was it could tuck his arms up to slither as well as crawl on his giant talons as well as fly," he wrote, describing the art. That illustration also appears to feature a Warbat with an electric tail.

#169 They gave us a good out in King Kong: Skull Island (2017) when they mentioned that King Kong is still growing, but that'll be a challenge we have to deal with, and we're very aware of that issue. Adam Wingard remarked when questioned about the apparent height discrepancy between Godzilla and King Kong in 2018.

#170 An allusion to the Kiryu MechaGodzilla of the third generation is made in the raging sentience of MechaGodzilla. Godzilla's original skeleton is incorporated into Kiryu's armor as opposed to earlier generations' metal plates, weaponry, and wires. Cybernetic necromancy also allows Godzilla's original spirit to momentarily take control of Kiryu, allowing him to unleash a destructive rampage fuelled by the high-tech armaments of Godzilla. There are some similarities, although the movie hints that King Ghidorah is in the driver's seat this time around.

#171 Adam Wingard describes King Kong's appearance as "older, scruffier, and worn down," which is exactly how he feels. There are no more fights to keep him going. "He's the gunfighter who doesn't have a fight to keep him going anymore."

The sequence in which Godzilla laughs after destroying King Kong has been criticized by many fans since it appears so out of character for a creature as enormous as Godzilla to have such a human-like feeling. The fact that this has occurred before should serve as some kind of consolation. Toho's Showa series includes films like Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, in which Godzilla can be heard laughing. It has been defended by a legal team. Toho concurs with those who believe that Godzilla should never "emote" in the manner of a human, based on statements made by director Adam Wingard. Godzilla, on the other hand, is an entirely different scenario and should not exhibit any human feelings because of his link to the human characters and relatability. Godzilla was not permitted to have any "emotive" moments in the film, according to Wingard. However, while discussing how "clever" he was in "getting around it" the director referred to the laughing scene. In an interview, he said that Toho had no problem with such a moment being up to interpretation. So, Godzilla's chuckle worked because the scene was staged in a manner that permitted the viewer to fill in the blanks as to what was actually going on. It seemed to many that Godzilla had a smile on his face after finally scoring a nice hit on King Kong with his atomic breath. For those who, like Godzilla, were anxiously awaiting the moment when he would finally be able to launch King Kong into the air, the notion that Godzilla could find it amusing that King Kong keeps falling was welcomed by the audience. However, since the shot's framing didn't make it crystal apparent, people who believe that Godzilla doesn't belong in a comedy might take it to imply anything at all.

#173 It is possible to hear Gidorah-like cries mixed with mechanical and electrical whining when Mechagodzilla is activated after releasing its power signature.

#174 Legendary gave Adam Wingard wiggle room to play around with Godzilla's look, but he decided to keep it in line with Godzilla: King of Monsters seeing as this is a direct sequel. "In retrospect I wish I made his head a little bit bigger cuz his head is a little small and it does hurt some shots."

#175 The scene of a dejected King Kong stranded on a ship bound for a new planet is very identical to John Guillermin's bicentennial monster film. Similarly, the first shot of King Kong bathing in a waterfall draws to mind the famous scene of King Kong bathing Jessica Lange under a similar waterfall in the King Kong film (1976) Some scenes from the '76 film are also used in the new film's fight with the flying snake-like Warbats, which are comparable to King Kong's encounter with a massive snake in the original film

#176 A sequel to Peter Jackson's 2005 King Kong film, which was never made, had previously been discussed for Adam Wingard to helm. By Mary Parent's request, Wingard was given the project "I seized the opportunity with both hands. So when the opportunity to play two roles in a single film presented itself, I couldn't turn it down." It was Wingard's intention for the monsters to become personalities and for the conflict to have a clear winner. As part of his training, Wingard watched every Godzilla and King Kong movie ever made. Wingard had previously envisioned the climactic showdown taking place against a "synthwave-style futuristic city backdrop." before obtaining a screenplay. As a lover of electronic video game music and 1980s film soundtracks, he claimed, he decided on this "There was a point in time when my vision began to take shape. Is there a way we can put these two monsters battling on a synthwave record cover?" A "more rugged, a bit more aged King Kong." will appear in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, according to director Wingard.

#177 A bottle of booze defeats MechaGodzilla, who was infected and reprogrammed by Ghidorah's subconsciousness. And the mythological Japanese snake that inspired Ghidorah, Yamata no Orochi, was dispatched when it was intoxicated with whiskey.

#178 Some of the Warbats have resemblances to Godzilla's King Cobra. The whole run of the show.

#179 There was, in fact, another Ghidorah skull of unknown origin inside the mechanical monster, according to Godzilla vs Kong - The Official Movie Novelization. However, in the film, only Bernie Hayes speculated that there was a second skull in the cockpit: "there's one here, and another one inside of [Mechagodzilla]"

#180 In his initial film, King Kong eats a squid (while also indirectly devouring a human soldier), and in Godzilla vs Kong, he slurps out the brain of a Warbat (a monstrous flying serpent). Gorillas in the wild eat nearly solely plants; they will consume termites on rare occasions to alleviate diarrhea, but that is about it. It's evident that this version of King Kong is not the same as the 2005 version, who was shown as a huge gorilla with an indigestible pot-belly.

#181 As soon as Mechagodzilla gets going, his optics begin to blaze blazing red. When Ghidorah takes over Mechagodzilla's programming, you'll see his eyes shift from red to bluish-white.

#182 In this film, none of King Kong: Skull Island (2017)'s characters appear or are even referenced. In Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), Joe Morton plays an older version of Dr. Houston Brooks, the character portrayed by Corey Hawkins in King Kong: Skull Island.

#183 Pacific Rim-esque Jaeger-like Jaeger-like Jaeger-like Jaeger-like Jaeger-like Jaeger MechaGodzilla's history and present are combined in this film. Hand pulse blasters, like Gypsy Danger's, are a part of the package. The fact that Ghidorah's fragments have taken control of it and are sending it on a rampage reminds me of the Kaiju-controlled Jaegers in Pacific Rim: Uprising. There's also notable resemblance to the scenario with Megatron/Galvatron in Transformers: Age of Extinction. It's the same story in Godzilla vs Kong, where the Big Bad's (Megatron/Ghidorah) consciousness survives in a thought-harmless decapitated head and goes on to take control of a powerful new mechanical body (Galvatron/Mechagodzilla) created for use against its own kind, becoming a new threat to humanity. Even in Hong King Kong, both are beaten. A connection may be drawn between this and the DCU's Doomsday, which was created of the remnants of the major heroes' archenemies for the sole goal of destroying them. For one thing, he forces both VS heroes to work together and with a special luminous weapon at that in order to defeat him.

#184 Demogorgons, which looked like lizards to Millie Bobby Brown in Stranger Things, attacked her.

#185 For the first time in their centuries-long rivalry, Godzilla finally yields to King Kong as the latter lowers his combat axe.

#186 There is no 3D picture profile of Skullcrawler in the opening title sequence when Godzilla and King Kong are being compared, but both Femuto and Ghidorah who were defeated by Godzilla respectively had their 3D profiles highlighted.. Apart from the obvious foreshadowing of a few plot points in the next film, this villain practically sums up the previous MonsterVerse movie' antagonists. In the film, the Skullcrawlers and Ghidorah both make surprise appearances: Team Godzilla discovers Skullcrawler eggs in Apex Cybernetics' possession and later encounters an adult Skullcrawler the size of Ramarak, while Ghidorah awakens and takes control of MechaGodzilla's programming, essentially making Ghidorah the main threat once more. Foreshadowing the fact that Godzilla has greater battle experience and will ultimately prevail in the championship contest if it gets serious because of his past victories against Titans, one of which was a rival Alpha Titan, and King Kong's lack of prior encounters with an Alpha.

#187 Aboard King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962), King Kong is chained up and hauled in a barge that is towed by another ship, much as in this film.

The four-clawed hands of Mecha-Godzilla were based on a medical ailment called "mirror-hand syndrome," according to Krichevsky, "where the hand appears like it has been reflected on two sides. I don't think it's dangerous or anything, but it's just different. So, after giving it some consideration, I concluded that you could effectively grasp anything from both ends. He might, for example, grip King Kong's limbs or the top of his head. Aside from Kiryu's drill hands, I also took influence from Mechagodzilla. Something whose arms could be in any position and it would constantly be spinning. It offered him an intriguing tactical edge, in my opinion. I had no idea about the plasma energy punches, but I thought they were a great addition. Finally, the designer was pleased to have made his imprint on one of Toho's most famous films. As he ends, "There's a strong tradition of unique hands in Mechagodzilla designs, from missile fingers, to drill hands, and now grab claws," Since I'm a part of that tradition, it's incredibly thrilling for me."

#189 Alan Jonah and his troops are slain by Apex Cybernetics' soldiers when they are collecting Ghidorah's severed left head from them with Charles Dance resuming his role as Alan Jonah. Guillermin, the head of Monarch, and the group's acquisition of memorabilia from King Kong and Godzilla's initial encounter are shown in these new sequences. It was revealed that Jessica Henwick and Ziyi Zhang will not be reprising their roles as characters Ren Serizawa and Ishiro Serizawa in this season's finale.

#190 This will be the second film involving Godzilla to include Lance Reddick, however he only appears in one scene for less than a minute. Reddick previously featured in Godzilla (1998), which isn't tied to this one.

#191 Using a mixture of animals, King Kong's roar is like that of a lion, a leopard, a monkey, and an elephant. When in the 1976 picture, King Kong's roar may be heard as he enters the temple to retrieve his axe.

#192 In a nod to Michelangelo's 'Creation of Man,' King Kong and Jia touch fingertips. In the Hollow Earth, King Kong discovers a rock shaped like a finger extending out and touches it after jumping across the sky floating.

#193 We've never seen King Kong bite anybody in any of the battles we've seen him in. This may seem like a little detail, but it reveals that he prefers to employ homemade weapons or his brute might to defeat even the most ferocious foes, such as the Skullcrawlers. Even though the Alpha Titan has enormous fangs and an unquestionable biting power, he refuses to reciprocate in kind while attacKing Kong in his battle with Godzilla. On the other hand, it may be a pragmatic act of subversion. In most cases, going close to an enemy's head is unnecessary since King Kong's limbs are strong and adaptable enough to handle the situation. It's a stark contrast to the more savage giants, in any scenario. Real gorillas (the ones from whom King Kong draws the greatest influence) are much like King Kong in that they would do almost everything to avoid biting their opponents - preferring to strike, pull, throw, or create their own weapons - since their protruding fangs are purely for intimidation. With both arms around Godzilla's head in a headlock after the destruction of the aircraft ship, King Kong bites at the creature's gills in the blink of an eye. To get King Kong onto the sinking carrier, the king of monsters uses his greater arm power to break his headlock and shove him off.

#194 Baraka and Nozuki were other common names for Warbats.

#195 Rumors of a Godzilla-King Kong collaboration began to circulate when Legendary transferred King Kong: Skull Island to Warner Bros. in September 2015. Legendary revealed in October 2015 that Godzilla and King Kong will fight one another in Godzilla vs Kong, with a release date of May 29, 2020, as the original aim. By focusing on "centered around Monarch," Legendary hopes to unite Godzilla and King Kong with other huge super-species, both old and new, to establish a shared movie franchise. The picture will not be a replica of King Kong vs. Godzilla, according to producer Alex Garcia. Because of Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the project was difficult for executive producer Jay Ashenfelter, who said, "What can we do to top that? became the question after such an enormous monster ballet.

#196 Kaylee Hottle portrays Jia, a deaf Iwi girl who comes from an all-deaf household.

#197 MechaGodzilla, like the kaiju in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, is made partially from the bone remains of another monstrous monster.

#198 The Vile Vortex's strange Cool Gate leads to the Hollow Earth in the movie, but there's no explanation or foreshadowing beyond what the protagonists say about the Hollow Earth's inverted gravity. Cool Gate is described as an electrostatic-gravitational barrier in the Earth's mantle that effectively divides the Hollow World from the Earth's outermost layer.

#199 In Hong King Kong, the buildings are lighted from top to bottom with neon lights for Godzilla and King Kong's fight. Godzilla vs Kong: The War for Earth seems more like a primetime wrestling bout than a frantic battle for the survival of the world in comparison to its predecessors. Most of the buildings have gone dark as a result of Godzilla's wrath on King Kong. There are no more neon lights to be seen as Mechagodzilla emerges from its hiding place. As a further point of emphasis, the mech is never seen outside of its construction laboratory or the city where it was built.

#200 Axe of King Kong Is constructed from a Godzilla ancestor's dorsal fin.

#201 While Alexander Skarsgard portrayed Tarzan in 2016's The Legend of Tarzan, Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's comic book series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen included Tarzan, King Kong, and Godzilla.

#202 A tarmac at an airport where they previously shot the boat sequences from King Kong: Skull Island was used for the aircraft carrier shots.

#203 That King Kong was indeed transformed into "King Kong" is confirmed by the Blu-extra ray's features. Although he has been referred to as "King Kong" over the globe since the 1930s, he has only been referred to as "King Kong" in the MonsterVerse by Legendary. This held true for his portrayal in the film's title, its promotion, and the dialogue in which he appeared. Though it hasn't been stated explicitly, the MonsterVerse has avoided calling him by his conventional name, maybe due to legal concerns. Whatever the reason for this, there were rumors that this film may remedy it. If King Kong were able to dethrone the current King of the Monsters, he would finally be able to claim his legendary title. This was obviously not the case, since Godzilla was able to maintain his status as alpha. But there was a belief among fans that King Kong was given the moniker because of a different circumstance. At the end of his journey to the Hollow Earth, King Kong discovered a temple belonging to his forebearers and took the opportunity to sit down on what seemed to be an ancient chair. For many fans, the change from "King Kong" to "King Kong" was symbolized by both this and the purchase of the axe. Adam Wingard, the director of Godzilla vs Kong, discusses this scene in a documentary on the Blu-ray release of the fourth MonsterVerse film, "Behold King Kong's Temple" That "you really get to see King Kong turn into King Kong" is what Wingard found most intriguing about touring a Hollow Earth temple in the film. King Kong obtained a "royal status" after being put in the position of king, according to Wingard. From the comments of moviegoers, it seems that this was indeed one of the film's most memorable sequences after all. That Titan had become King Kong was now crystal evident, thanks to Wingard clearing up any confusion.

Godzilla donating energy to King Kong's axe so that it may cut through the creature. Recalling Godzilla's defeat of MechaGodzilla II, when the dying Fire Rodan transferred his dying energy to the fallen Godzilla, both resurrecting and upgrading his blue Atomic Breath to the red Spiral Atomic Breath, MechaGodzilla is reminiscent of this. At one point, they battle as rivals until one of them gets a power boost (Rodan becomes Fire Rodan, and King Kong gets his axe), and then they put their differences aside to team up to take on Mechagodzilla at the climax of the movie.

#205 It doesn't matter how much violence there is in the film, Twitter user NuskiiJax thinks King Kong and Godzilla finally made up in the end. As soon as Mechagodzilla is introduced in this scenario, the two titular monsters must put their differences aside and work together.

#206 A major admirer of the Godzilla series, Adam Wingard wanted James Rolfe to participate in the film as an extra. Rolfe was not contacted because of the uncertainty of the final cut and Wingard did not believe it was worth his time to pursue this option. Rolfe himself has indicated that he was unable to join in shooting because of the time of the birth of his second daughter.

#207 During an interview in August 2017, Adam Wingard explained how he plans to deal with the monsters "I really hope that you'll take these characters as seriously as I do.. Not only the human characters, I want you to be involved in, but also the monsters. An epic monster battle film. At the end of the day, I want there to be a strong emotional connection between the creatures fighting one other. I want you to feel a connection to them on a deep level. That's what I believe will make it a lot of fun."

#208 Legendary Pictures assembled a writers room in March 2017 to develop the story for Godzilla vs Kong, with Terry Rossio (who co-wrote an early un-produced script for TriStar's Godzilla) leading a team that included Patrick McKay, J. D. Payne, Lindsey Beer, Cat Vasko, T.S. Nowlin, Jack Paglen, and J. Michael Straczynski (who had previously worked on TriStar's Godzilla). Wingard wanted to craft an outcome that had a definitive winner while allowing the loser to retain their dignity, stating, "they could earn each other's respect." It was Rossio's intention to "break the story" for Rossio to create a first draft, according to Rossio. Legendary gave the go-ahead to Rossio's "detailed treatment" at the first draft stage. As Rossio emphasized, both monsters are dangerous and misunderstood by humanity, so he structured the story in such a way that the audience would have an implicit bias towards either one "Godzilla, on the other hand, symbolizes the inherent power of nature, while King Kong represents the dangers of unbridled emotion. The two are now on a very even playing field." Rossio had the following to say about his time in the writers room: "When I ran the writer's room for Godzilla vs Kong, I had no idea what to expect. Getting to know other authors and working on a tale as a group was a lot of fun. It reminded me of animation, where the filmmaking takes place on the walls and the final product is greater than any one individual could have achieved on their own.." "We're going in very great detail through all the characters, the arcs they have, how they relate to one another, and most importantly how they relate to the monsters, and how the monsters relate to them or reflect them." through all the characters and their arcs, as well as their relationships with one another and with monsters in general, as Wingard explained in July of 2017 when asked about the writers room's outline. "So once again, it's a discussion, and about feeling out how to make it as strong as possible, so that when Terry [Rossio] goes to write the screenplay, he has a definitive breakdown of what to include," he said.

#209 Mechagodzilla possessed by Ghidorah is an allusion to Godzilla possessed by the Millennium Mechagodzilla in 1954.

#210 I'll never meet most of you, but I'm forever indebted to you for bringing all your talent. says Adam Wingard, a visual effects artist.

#211 To remind us of Godzilla's fury, King Kong creates an enormous Godzilla-like sign on the ground by gathering Hollow Earth energy. As a result, Godzilla's attack on King Kong is much more devastating.

#212 In both Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) and Godzilla (2014), the monster battles are cloaked in darkness and weather effects. This is a common criticism.

#213 The first version of King Kong's water spewing included several fish floating about, but they decided to remove them because they wanted to make it more dramatic. As it is, "It's already kind of funny seeing him vomit anyway." Adam Wingard mentioned this.

#214 Scale models of Godzilla, King Kong, and MechaGodzilla have been produced by S.H.MonsterArts. Godzilla's height has been reduced from 393 feet, although the official height has not altered. MechaGodzilla stands at 466 feet tall, whereas King Kong stands at 356 feet tall.

#215 Legendary hopes to make additional MonsterVerse films if they are a success, according to producer Alex Garcia in March 2019. Adam Wingard said in February 2021 that he "I know where we could go potentially with future films." when asked about the MonsterVerse's future. The MonsterVerse was created, he said, "to a certain degree" to lead up to Godzilla vs Kong, but he didn't elaborate. It was also said that the MonsterVerse has reached a crisis point "the point where audiences have to vote for more of these things," he said, "It's really at the crossroads." Obviously, if this movie is a hit, they'll keep going." Legendary's CEO Josh Grode said on April 4, 2021 that the studio has "we have a number of ideas for more movies." with regards to possible sequels. While this hashtag was trending on Twitter, the director of King Kong: Skull Island Jordan Vogt-Roberts supported it and Legendary recognized it. With negotiations with Wingard about a possible return to directing still ongoing, The Hollywood Reporter reported on April 27, 2021 that Legendary was "quietly taking steps to stretch the series into one or more installments," Son of King Kong is one of the possible titles being examined.

#216 This is the 36th Godzilla film and the 12th King Kong film in the series.

#217 This is the first time we've seen Godzilla take on a more wild attitude in the Monsterverse so far. A neutral force of nature that only intervenes in human matters to maintain natural order, Godzilla is depicted in both 2014's Godzilla and Godzilla: King of the Monsters. It's interesting to note that Godzilla's persona is given a new dimension in this picture by making him more agile and ferocious. In a recent Reddit AMA, director Adam Wingard explained why Godzilla's mood has changed. Wingard said that Godzilla was "just so pissed off at the end that he goes full on animalistic on King Kong." when questioned about the decision to portray him on all fours during the final confrontation. He also disclosed that early VFX test images sparked interest in a more animalistic Godzilla. It was as he put it: "At the film's conclusion, Godzilla is so enraged that he becomes animalistic on King Kong. I believe that when King Kong slammed him in the face with that axe, his ego was shattered, and he was ready to put an end to it. Godzilla climbing up the aircraft ship before King Kong attacks him was our first Vfx test shot, and G has a creeping animalistic aspect to it. Line producer Eric McLeod once told me that he felt it was fantastic that Godzilla was growing more primal in that way, and that comment resonated with me for the rest of my life. After that, we decided we wanted to see him do a little rough and tumble."

A diorama depicting the last battle between Godzilla and King Kong was made by Prime 1 Studio, noted for its movie-based sculptures. 30 inches high and 6 feet wide, it costs $5,699 to buy and ship. The artwork is really composed of two independent statues that come together to become the ultimate focal point for the wealthy. Godzilla is priced at $1949, whereas King Kong is just a few dollars cheaper at $1890. The centre diorama piece recreates a scenario from the film if you buy them both as a set. To be expected at this pricing point, the visual effects, such as blazing buildings, flipped automobiles, and screen-accurate monsters themselves, are all of the highest caliber. Even the neon Hong King Kong tower blocks, blazing ruins, King Kong's combat axe, and Godzilla's blue flames are illuminated by many led lights. People on Twitter responded to the news by posting a series of jokes about having dialogues with their wallets, while others admitted that the only way they could afford something like this was by selling body parts.

#219 An iconic moment from the 2014 Godzilla film appears in the teaser, with Godzilla charging at a warship. With his dorsal plates, instead of diving beneath it, Godzilla rips it to bits in the trailer, unlike in the 2014 film.

#220 When she joins the effort to transport King Kong to the Hollow Earth, Andrews appears just as uninterested in the topic of why Godzilla is attacking now as Nathan. When Godzilla seems to become more aggressive in the novelization, she concludes that it is because King Kong is a new threat to his rule.

#221 While on his way from his island to the poles with an insane scientist, King Kong is carried by helicopters, fights off a big snake monster while saving a hovercraft from certain doom, and finally breaks apart a massive mech in a major Asian metropolis, all with a happy ending for the hero. It's time to revisit King Kong Escapes.

#222 The opening credits sequence contains several of Godzilla vs Kong's most significant chronology revelations, including recordings of Titan fights and human attempts to discover a route into Hollow Earth. You may also find something called "Giants Battle Underground." on a tablet that depicts an ancient battle between King Kong and Godzilla's respective species. There is a compelling argument to be made that humanity had before traversed Hollow Earth and returned without the assistance of Apex' HEAVs. The Uruk era, when people first started devising writing systems, is when this tablet was made, making it more than 5000 years old. Because of this, it's unknown whether the tablet records an incident that happened at the time or a tale that was handed down through the family.. The opening titles also show that a voyage to Hollow Earth in 1926 was the beginning of contemporary human endeavors to investigate the planet. They were captured on camera traversing a snow-covered landscape, while an audio recording warns of the "members of the lost party were never seen again." in ominous tones. The MonsterVerse films take place in a parallel history that shares many of the events of our own, but with a kaiju twist. This makes the fact that a Norwegian expedition headed by Roald Amundsen reached the North Pole by airship for the first time in 1926 noteworthy. There is a possibility that Amundsen and his crew were involved in the quest for King Kong and Godzilla's ancestoral home in the MonsterVerse universe. Another fascinating snippet of history is the discovery of a possible entrance to the Hollow Earth in the Chauvet Cave in France. The notes accompany a photo of two archaeologists examining Titan remains in a cave, as shown in the photo. There are some 36,000-year-old prehistoric cave paintings in the Chauvet Cave that have been preserved remarkably well. A three-way combat involving a Skull Crawler, a member of King Kong's species, and a member of Godzilla's species is seen in cave drawings elsewhere in the credits. Some fairly dramatic battles were seen by Prehistoric guy, who had a front-row seat. Operation Highjump appears in the opening credits, continuing the MonsterVerse's alt-history theme. To create a new American military station in Antarctica, the US Navy launched Operation Highjump in our own, Titan-free period. Op Highjump was designed to conduct scientific research, collect data, and figure out how to construct livable bases in harsh polar environments. At a period when Cold War tensions were increasing, the purpose was to create a U.S. territorial claim in the Antarctic. In Godzilla vs Kong, a secret goal of Operation Highjump is to set up Monarch's headquarters at the entrance to Hollow Earth, as seen in the movie. Since Operation Highjump was revealed in King Kong: Skull Island, it was created by President Harry S. Truman in 1946. As a child, Nathan's elder brother was killed in a disastrous excursion to the underworld, which fueled his belief in the existence of the Hollow Earth. To reach this hazardous inner terrain, Nathan's sibling was unprepared for a rapid gravity inversion. The opening credits scene for Godzilla vs Kong displays images from a September 2009 voyage to Hollow Earth, which is likely the mission that Nathan's brother participated on. Apex was inspired to construct the HEAVs after hearing about the Hollow Earth's unusual gravity from this aborted trip. King Kong: Skull Island's Iwi were introduced in Godzilla vs Kong and lived in peace with King Kong. On Skull Island, Ilene's adoptive daughter was orphaned when a horrific storm blew through and murdered her parents and the whole Iwi. Jia is the only one who can communicate with King Kong. In spite of the fact that Jia is only 8 or 9 years old, it's extremely possible that the storm was caused by King Ghidorah and the other Titans emerging five years earlier, during the events of the Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Ghidorah's wingbeats can create massive electrical storms, as seen in the film. It's possible that Godzilla and Ghidorah's 2019 fight damaged or destroyed Skull Island's storm barrier, protecting it from harm. The storm might easily have closed in and ripped through the island as a consequence of the following atmospheric disturbances. Ilene's comment that she has been researching King Kong for ten years complicates the hypothesis that Ghidorah and Godzilla's conflict caused the storm to engulf Skull Island. A decade under the artificial bio dome of Monarch Outpost #236 would explain why Godzilla and Godzilla: King of the Monsters didn't include him. Biodome appears to be created primarily for the purpose of protecting King Kong from the storm encircling Skull Island, rather than preventing him from fleeing. If it had been completed before to the storm, the Iwi people may have been protected. Ilene had been researching King Kong long before the biodome was created, and when the typhoon ravaged the island, Monarch erected the biodome so that Ilene could continue her research while also keeping Godzilla at bay. This is the most logical explanation.

#223 All of the film's red-clad characters have some kind of relationship to the Titans. Jia has it sewn into her wrap around her waist. At first, Maddie wore it on her blouse, and the filmmakers utilized it very carefully. " In addition, it's tucked inside her hair tie. Red is a constant theme in her outfits. Bernie's mission outfit and name badge are also crimson. Red is the color of the base of these. You may notice red flashes as you move the suit because of the copper ink that was printed on top of the red ink.

#224 A room labeled a "sacrificial chamber" is used to introduce Mechagodzilla, who is shown as humanity's substitute for Godzilla (who stands in for God) while embodying their arrogance and lack of faith, and is eventually the avatar for Ghidorah (Satan) to spread disaster. Like a vengeful pagan deity, it will appear in Hong King Kong as a pyramid-shaped mountain with the sun and moon above it. In this sense, Mechagodzilla is a fictitious deity.

#225 Mechagodzilla's mobility is fixed thanks to Godzilla vs Kong. Godzilla vs Kong addressed a long-standing problem with Mechagodzilla as a character and enemy by changing his appearance. Because of Godzilla's greater physical strength, Mechagodzilla has been battling him since his debut in 1974. Mechagodzilla had faced Godzilla five times on the big screen before Legendary's MonsterVerse. It's no surprise that the gigantic robot always puts up a fight when facing up against Godzilla, and in the 1990s film Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, the robot came dangerously near to killing Godzilla. Godzilla, on the other hand, is typically able to defeat his mechanical equivalent. In Godzilla vs Kong, on the other hand, it was King Kong who was eventually tasked with destroying Godzilla. To complete the battle, Godzilla utilized his atomic breath to charge King Kong's axe for the last strikes, having been rendered powerless by Mechagodzilla's great physical and mental prowess. Mechagodzilla's improved design is primarily responsible for his being able to handle Godzilla better than he has in the past. The size of Mechagodzilla's limbs is one of the most striking visual contrasts between the MonsterVerse version and the Toho films. A more nimble physique and longer arms helped Mechagodzilla in Godzilla vs Kong. This allowed him to move about and deliver some powerful, energy-charged blows on Godzilla as a result of the alterations he made. In addition to his strength, he was also able to move at a rate that Godzilla could not keep up with. This is why Mechagodzilla was able to do so much damage on Godzilla. Unlike their prior clashes, this time around the outcome was different. Mechagodzilla's design has been a big problem for the character in Toho's films, particularly in close battle. There are several ways to defeat Godzilla, but the most common strategy is to close the space between the two of them. Godzilla and Mechagodzilla's first encounter (1974) in which Gojira had trouble getting past Godzilla's rockets and laser cannon is a good illustration. Mechagodzilla couldn't accomplish much, though, until he was within striking distance. It's possible that he might have been able to protect himself better if he had greater mobility. In the MonsterVerse, Mechagodzilla's vulnerability in Toho's films was completely absent. Godzilla, despite his status as King of the Monsters, was unable to defeat Mechagodzilla without the assistance of King Kong. Because of this design alteration and Godzilla's opponent's exhaustion, he was at a disadvantage in their combat. To make matters worse, Ghidorah had complete control over and was feeding Mechagodzilla the same fuel that Godzilla used to fuel himself. Godzilla vs Kong was able to present Mechagodzilla as an opponent worthy of a team-up between the two greatest Titans in the MonsterVerse by making these adjustments to the monster.

#226 As early as the Playmates toy line's first official trailer, photographs of the Warbats, Hellhawks, and Mechagodzilla were leaked, with the latter's formal reveals taking place before it appeared in any trailers.

#227 This version of King Kong is much more intelligent than previous iterations of the character. Human Sign Language was shown in Godzilla vs Kong, as was his ability to create his own weaponry and recognize when others are posing a danger. Observing Jia and Ilene conversing this manner while the latter was attempting to discover a method of connecting with him, but keeping it to himself, is crucial because he learnt from them.

#228 In the original King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962), which was re-edited and released in the United States as King Kong vs. Godzilla (1963), Toho Company Ltd., the Japanese company that owns Godzilla and produced the film, intended to produce an immediate sequel to the film titled Continuation: King Kong vs. Godzilla. It was ultimately decided to discontinue the project after a narrative treatment had been prepared. In the early 1990s, Toho considered redoing the film as "Godzilla vs Kong." Their plans to make the movie were thwarted by legal concerns with Turner Entertainment.

#229 Despite the fact that the Navy fleet carrying King Kong has avoided all of Godzilla's previously identified territorial routes, he has somehow managed to locate them. He has altered his routes because of his anger and anguish over being the cause of Godzilla's rampage, according to the novelization.

#230 Large realistic sets were employed for much of the production, with markers used to direct the players where they needed to walk. The VFX crew, on the other hand, worked hard to improve the remainder of the environment after production.

#231 Predator 2 (1990), the City Hunter with Jerry Lambert's skull, is evocative of King Kong's tear off of Mechagodzilla's head, with a hanging spinal column and howling. When King Kong lets out a roar like this, it reminds me of a Predator's triumphant cry.

Monarch containment outpost #236 is where King Kong is being held. Throwing a tree at "Sector 7G." he shattered a portion of the holographic ceiling. King Kong is a moniker used by a variety of professional fighters in the entertainment industry, notably Cuban boxer Luis Ortiz and American professional wrestler Scott Thompson. Deontay Wilder was one of Ortiz' most notable opponents. They battled each other in 2018 and scheduled a rematch for the following year. "King Kong" Ortiz was 236 pounds before the 2019 battle. Scott "King Kong" Thompson was voted the 236th best single wrestler in 1993 by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. The Springfield Power Plant's Sector 7-G, where Homer works, is a nod to The Simpsons. It seems like Homer triggers a meltdown in the nuclear reactor practically every day, and in the movie King Kong battles what seems to be a walking radioactive lizard. "King Homer." was also the name of a Treehouse of Horror episode segment.

#233 Ilene Andrews appears on the cover of a magazine named "The King Kong Whisperer" when Nathan Lind meets Walter Simmons. It refers to the 1998 film adaptation of Nick Evans' novel, The Horse Whisperer (based on the 1995 book).

#234 According to the 2014 novelization of Godzilla, the atomic breath of Godzilla is made up of gas that is ignited by a bio-electric spark in Godzilla's body. Godzilla's atomic breath is drawn from the Hollow Earth's energy source, as this film implies and its novelization confirms.

#235 One of Ghidorah's heads would theoretically make Mechagodzilla a Mecha-Gidorah, even though he wasn't in the picture.

#236 Alan Jonah (Charles Dance), the echo-terrorist from Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), never appears or is acknowledged in this film despite his prominent role.

#237 Mechagodzilla's eyes alternate between red and white while it is in the process of getting infected with whatever is left of Ghidorah's mind before it becomes mobile, but it keeps the Red Eyes, Take Warning hue when it is under human control and under Ghidorah's influence.

#238 The Godzilla vs Kong novelization adds that King Kong always wished he could one day toss a spear far enough to strike the sun or the moon. After the Perpetual Storm destroyed Skull Island, Monarch finally sees the sun on the Artificial Outdoors Display inside his enormous bio-dome.

#239 MechaGodzilla's whining sound after King Kong decapitates it alludes to Femuto's death in Godzilla (2014) and Rodan's sound after Mothra impales him.

#240 György Ligeti's Requiem's haunting vocalizations are heard in the teaser when Godzilla attacks the aircraft carrier convoy, precisely like the HALO jump sequence from Godzilla (2014).

#241 Robotics. A person's ability to think and reason. Inventions of artificial intelligence. Apex Cybernetics is covertly developing what? Loco-motion is accomplished by a massive machine, which we later find is propelled by an organic mind (particularly Ghidorah's brain tissue). The machine subsequently gains autonomy from the humans and achieves what Artificial Intelligences are famous for:

#242 In Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019), King Kong kills Mechagodzilla by decapitating him with the left head of Ghidorah (nicknamed San or Kevin) within the Mecha.

#243 Steven S. Denite, the director of Pacific Rim Uprising (2018), said that a crossover between the Monsterverse and the Pacific Rim universe is in the works. There's been a lot of talk about whether or not the Pacific Rim world might join Legendary's Monster Universe, and he admitted as much in an interview with Bloody Disgusting. Moreover, as a fan, he stated that he would like it.

#244 Heyes speculates that a second portion of Ghidorah is within MechaGodzilla, which sounds like Fridge Logic because of how Ghidorah was murdered in the last film and how the severed head only survived because it was beheaded much earlier. Ghidorah appears in the film with just his upper-skull and the jawbone and neck gone, while when Alan Jonah initially acquired it, the head was entire. They're inside MechaGodzilla, so I'm wondering where they went. In addition to the jaw, Ghidorah's neck may include a significant portion of his neurological system.

#245 In order to better contrast him with the more top-heavy monsters, Godzilla's design has been altered to have a smaller head and thicker legs. King Kong

#246 Return of the Jedi (1983), Akira (1988), Robotech (1985) Demon Seed (1997), Pop Skull (2007), King Kong vs Godzilla (1963), the Back to the Future Ride at Universal Studios, Big Trouble in Little China (1986), Lethal Weapon 2 (1989), Sanjuro (1962), Mortal Kombat (1992), Ghostbusters (1984), and Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire are some of the other visual influences that Adam Wingard mentions (2001).

#247 In an interview, VFX supervisor Bryan Hirota said that the new CGI King Kong featured a specifically constructed eye model to offer the beast a larger spectrum of emotions. We also created a very realistic and high-quality eye model for King Kong. " You can learn a lot about someone by looking at their eyes; they do a lot of heavy lifting for any species." Adam Wingard had indicated that the big ape's eyes were a crucial approach to enable King Kong to perform the emotional heavy lifting in the plot instead of human characters. We can really cut to King Kong in this movie without having to return to the human protagonists for quite big sections of the film, since we can experience things via him. " We can treat him like any other character because he's realistic in terms of his eyes and the way he senses things; the human audience will always back that up." It seems that the alterations made to King Kong were successful, as audiences have applauded the emotional impact that the big ape had on the film rather than seeing him as just another threat to Godzilla.

#248 Whether Ghidorah's awareness has survived owing to his alien nature or to his soul truly occupying his mechanical shell is a subject of significant controversy. Mechagodzilla's soul has been possessed by the soul of Ghidorah, according to Ren in the novelization, whereas Madison explicitly states that the soul of Ghidorah has possessed Mechagodzilla. Ghidorah's telepathic abilities are also shown. Even though destroying his satellite uplink should put an end to Mechagodzilla, he comes back to life after just a few seconds after being shocked, suggesting that Ghidorah has more direct control over the monster than simply the uplink.

#249 Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah are the other Toho monsters that make up the "Big Five" in the MonsterVerse.

#250 If Godzilla is wreaking havoc because he is aware of the still-partially-living remnants of King Ghidorah in Mechagodzilla, the film never entirely explains how this knowledge came to be given the condition of Ghidorah's remains. Godzilla catches up on a warped form of Ghidorah's bio-acoustics whenever Mechagodzilla or its pieces are activated, according to the novelization. Furthermore, the novelization explains in greater detail how Mechagodzilla is being governed (even if it remains a bit murky). Rather than an active sentience, it seems to be a fusion dance; Ren Serizawa's ambition for dominion over Godzilla and Titankind via the Mecha's AI creates an altogether new consciousness.

#251 MechaGodzilla was redesigned by the same artist who created it for Ready Player One. -Jared Krichevsky- is the credited artist.

#252 It's clear that Mechagodzilla is mimicking Ghidorah's voice from King of the Monsters multiple times after it is taken over by his mind fragments. During Ghidorah's takeover of Mechagodzilla, weak repeats of his alpha roar could be heard repeating and then progressively becoming more robotic.

#253 When Jason X (2001) killed the holographic campers by picking them up in their sleeping bags and smashing them about, I was inspired to do the same for Nozuki.

#254 MechaGodzilla seems to be trying to kill Godzilla with the same finishing maneuver that Godzilla himself used to kill Muto in the first film by pushing Godzilla's jaws open and charging up his crimson atomic breath.

#255 Godzilla is knocked down by a swipe of his claws across King Kong's face after King Kong's strike causes him to stumble. Since the skin of apes is not highly resistant to claws from predators, such as the leopards who frequently kill and disembowel gorillas, there is some truth to this.

#256 The HEAVs, Apex Cybernetics' silvery, ultra-advanced hovercrafts, evoke memories of Godzilla's prior battles with the Super-X and even the Hover Car from King Kong Escapes.

#257 It was argued by director Adam Wingard that Godzilla is most powerful while on all fours.

#258 Immediately after the last blow, King Kong's heart begins to fail, with emphasis on his decreasing heartbeats, precisely like the conclusion of King Kong (1976) (and referring back to the usage of the '76 sound-effect for Godzilla's spines charging up in the preceding picture).

#259 If it was Ghidorah's remaining awareness or Ghidorah's spirit that possessed it, it's not clear. This is what Madison hints to in the novelization; although severing the satellite connection briefly stuns and inhibits Ghidorah's movement, it begins moving again a few seconds later, hinting that his control is more entrenched than a simple remote.

#260 Eiza González referred to herself as a "very smart woman behind a company" in her bio. It was also "slightly comedic" according to her assessment.

#261 Inside the cavernous Earth Temple, Godzilla-like creatures may be found.

#262 According to Toby Emmerich, head of Warner Bros. Studio, the film's June 2019 release schedule may be pushed back. Warner Bros. and Legendary tentpole Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which debuted at the North American box office with a disappointing $49 million, has been less profitable for the studio this summer, according to the Hollywood Reporter. "an A+ movie." may arrive later in the year, according to Emmerich.

Captive Apex's "Number 10" Skullcrawler's red coloring may have an In-Universe explanation: if it was captured as an egg like the ones Team Godzilla discovered and raised entirely in captivity, then it growing up in different conditions than the Skullcrawlers of King Kong: The Skull Island, being exposed to different environmental factors, might have affected its development. A genetically created clone is also a possibility, as shown by its enormous size (almost two times that of Ramarak).

#264 It's clear that this version of King Kong isn't interested in retaining the primary female human character as a friend or pet, unlike other versions (though similar to that in King Kong Lives). When Weaver is in danger in the movie, King Kong does nothing more than make sure she's safe and does not go any further with her. King Kong's goal is not for female company, but for a family, according to the Word of God. During Godzilla vs Kong, we witness this in action when Jia persuades him to go into the Hollow Earth in search of his family. His Family of Choice chooses to migrate to Hollow Earth with him at the conclusion of the film. Ultimately he does.

#265 This is the first time in a monster movie that King Kong faces out against Mecha Godzilla.

#266 The film's composer, Tom Holkenborg, was announced in June 2020. When Wingard and Holkenborg met in 2018, Holkenborg admitted that he had written Godzilla music for fun in the past because he was a fan. Wingard was said to be "totally in love." by Holkenborg, who then started interacting with the director and adjusted the content. A ten-foot-diameter bass drum was ordered by Holkenborg; however, the builder was only able to make it as small as an eight-foot diameter. György Ligeti's "Requiem" and Chris Classic's "Here We Go" were utilized in the teaser, as they had been in prior Legendary Godzilla films. There was a sequence in the credits when The Hollies' song "The Air That I Breathe" was played. In 2021, WaterTower Music published the soundtrack.

#267 By shouting when Jia is endangered, King Kong inadvertently causes a swarm of nesting hellhawks to attack him en masse, exactly as in King Kong (2005) with the Terapusmordax.

#268 After Mason Weaver from King Kong Skull Island (2017), Jia is the second MonsterVerse character to make personal contact with King Kong by touching his finger.

#269 According to director Adam Wingard, unlike the battle in the original film from 1962/1963, this one will have a clear winner.

#270 There are a lot of elements in this film that harken back to Godzilla films from the Showa era, such as the absurdly elaborate and expensive structures (such as King Kong's containment dome, Apex's antigravity technology, and an enormous underground transportation system, as well as Mechagodzilla) and stranger things like what amounts to a wormhole to the Hollow Earth and the impossible power source there that simply exist without any explanation whatsoever. Actors of note are cast in the roles of entirely utilitarian characters, whose sole motivation is to advance the story, and whose only motivation is to serve as justification for the epic monster confrontations, which are painstakingly portrayed in the highest quality CGI. A classic 1960s Godzilla film is given a big-budget, contemporary reskin in this ideal example of a crazy but wonderful blockbuster reskin.

#271 On Instagram, monster designer Jared Krichevsky, who worked on the film's creature designs, documented the creation of the massive mechanical Mechagodzilla. When it came to the look of Mechagodzilla, Krichevsky recalled how the project's VFX supervisor, Legacy Effects studio Co-Head John Rosengrant, informed him, "It has to be a Terminator," He made the following statement: "T-800s are a common sight at Legacy Effects, so I spent some time analyzing what makes them so menacing. So I turned to it as my primary source of inspiration. An odd resemblance between human skeletons and the cold steel of machines. The design of Mechagodzilla has to be unique from any prior iterations. So RPO was out of the question. My initial effort at making him seem like a mechanical version of Godzilla failed miserably." Mechagodzilla's previous iterations have remained essentially mechanical replicas of their Godzilla counterparts. In order to make this version of the metallic monster appear like a serious danger to King Kong and Godzilla, Krichevsky made a special effort to make it resemble the antithesis of Godzilla in terms of design. For Godzilla, I went with opposites: he has a hefty body, so I made him thin and fish-like, with a skeleton tail. However, I knew they would only grasp it if they saw it for themselves. The hands have to be distinctive, according to a remark. In order to give the claws some degree of pliability and adaptability, I looked to a phenomenon known as "mirror-hand syndrome." This Mecha was constructed like a tank because I wanted it to be swift and agile."

#272 Initially, Alexander Skarsgard, who portrays a geologist in the film, stated he was interested in the role since he had previously played "had done a row of quite dark and intense characters" The chance to work with director Adam Wingard, whom he describes as "smart, lovely, and incredible with actors," was ultimately what convinced him to take the job, however. "When he contacted me, the genre and movie's tone were quite different from those of the smaller, darker films I've worked on before. It was a role I was eager to take on. It's a really likable persona."

#273 In the initial draft, Nathan was expected to play a larger role, which is why he pairs up with Simmons.

#274 New giant beasts have arrived in Monarch's outposts. Over a hundred Titans may already be known to humankind, according to Godzilla vs Kong. According to Monarch, there are just a handful of Titans roaming the world, and they are all being monitored by a network of outposts. Godzilla: King of the Monsters' Mark Russell (Kyle Chandler) learned that Monarch had information on 17 Titans that were strewn throughout the globe at the beginning. Naturally, this list contained Godzilla and his ilk, as well as King Kong, Ghidorah, Rodan, and Mothra, to name a few. Aside from Methuselah and Scylla, the film also included Behemoth and another MUTO titan, as well as four other Titans revealed during the course of the film. More than a dozen such creatures were named on a monitor, but they never materialized in any form on the screen. There were a total of 20 Titans revealed in the MonsterVerse at the conclusion of the film. There was a designated outpost built for each monster that Monarch was aware of, and all of these outposts were connected in some way to Titan activity. At the moment, they had around twenty-two outposts on the planet, which was consistent with the amount of Titans they had on their radar. That's why the King Kong confinement facility on Skull Island is referred to as "Monarch Outpost #236" in Godzilla vs Kong. In the five years following King Ghidorah's fall, the number of Monarch outposts on Earth has increased significantly. It's hard to see why Monarch would need to run more than 200 outposts. In the immediate aftermath of King of the Monsters, a large number of Titans have been unearthed, which is the most logical explanation. Since Skull Island contains two Monarch facilities (the other being the King of the Monsters' Outpost #33), this statistic does not necessarily imply that there are 236 Titans. However, it does imply that the total number of Titans that have been identified has increased significantly. To monitor 20 Titans, Monarch would not require more than 200 outposts. Godzilla: King of the Monsters brought up the prospect that Monarch will come across a hundred more between that film and Godzilla vs Kong. Serizawa made a point of stating, "and counting," which indicated to Mark that Monarch was aware that there were more Titans out there and that the number will continue to rise as their investigation into the Titans progressed. Furthermore, the fact that Monarch began trips into the Hollow Earth tunnels accelerated the search and resulted in the discovery of additional artifacts. Additionally, King Ghidorah's call comes into play. It may not have simply reached the Titans shown in the film. Even if others were awakened, they didn't come forward until after the events shown on-screen. Godzilla and King Kong have a major drawback to having so many Titans in the MonsterVerse, as noted out by King of the Monsters director Michael Dougherty, but it doesn't mean they won't be included in future films. The presence of additional Titans heralds the arrival of new foes eager to test their mettle.

#275 An up close and personal front-facing picture of Godzilla as he chuckles at King Kong's back during the Hong King Kong conflict is shown. Ghidora makes a similar giggle from the same camera position as Mechagodzilla finally escapes the Apex base and sets fire to many buildings' worth of civilians.

#276 In Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, Godzilla twisted and pulled Mechagodzilla's head off. King Kong's decapitation of Mechagodzilla is extremely similar.

#277 In Ready Player One (2018), Mechagodzilla appeared as a video game avatar. This is the creature's second live-action outing since then.

#278 After Godzilla vs Kong, no one knows what happened to Apex Cybernetics. People in Hong King Kong may have launched legal action against them for the devastation Mechagodzilla caused, as well as for sheltering Skullcrawlers and Ghidorah's remnants.

#279 After Adam Wingard thought that Godzilla's escape did not conclude King Kong's saga, the film's finale was reshot on Hollow Earth, where it had originally been intended to be a post-credit sequence.

#280 Adam Wingard makes reference to John Carpenter's statement that his whole career consists of westerns during the film's commentary. I would argue that every film I've made is essentially a song disguised as a film. He goes on to say that he doesn't believe he'll ever compose music.

#281 Prior to its release, a lot of people speculated about the film's major plot points, many of which were correct. Very few people believed Godzilla's Face-Heel A prevalent idea holds that MechaGodzilla was responsible for the assaults, either through framing Godzilla or by misinterpreting Godzilla's pursuit for MechaGodzilla as unprovoked aggression. This is, in fact, what has transpired. MechaGodzilla's genesis was often attributed to the remnants of King Ghidorah. Godzilla's brain, skull, and telepathic communication compose the operating system of MechaGodzilla. As soon like MechaGodzilla was shown, people started to question whether King Kong wasn't truly battling Godzilla in a Godzilla costume, as Anguirus did in Godzilla vs. In order to avoid being deceptive, several hypothesized that Godzilla and King Kong would fight their way through most of the movie's battles. MechaGodzilla, on the other hand, is never disguised in any way when King Kong fights him. Only a few people believed in the tagline "One Will Fall" since they didn't think the movie would conclude with the deaths of Godzilla or King Kong. Although Godzilla did vanquish King Kong, both Titans make it out of the movie and agree to keep out of each other's path going forward. Mechagodzilla's corpse did collapse, and Ghidorah did, in the form of Ghidorah.

#282 MechaGodzilla served as an inspiration for the Power Rangers' Dragonzord. This film's MechaGodzilla has a tail that can be utilized as a buzzsaw/drill, much like most Sentai/Power Ranger Zord. Also, this MechaGodzilla has an extraterrestrial dragon's brain inside of him.

#283 Main tune of this movie is based on King Kong vs. Godzilla's Godzilla theme.

#284 According to the 2014 novelization of Godzilla, the atomic breath of Godzilla is made out of gas that is ignited by a bio-electric spark in Godzilla's body. According to the Godzilla vs Kong film's novelization and storyline, the energy source of the Hollow Earth Godzilla's atomic breath is produced from. Godzilla's atomic breath contains Cherenkov radiation, according to the New Century Special Effects Movie Guide. The energy source for the Hollow Earth might likewise be compared to this.

#285 Because Godzilla is classified as "gorilla" it is hilarious that Godzilla fights King Kong, a gorilla-sized gorilla, because Gojira is a combination of the Japanese terms gorira ("whale") and kujira ("a cross between a gorilla and a whale").

Only the Skullcrawlers and the mud squid, who were beaten by King Kong in the opening title sequence, are shown in 3D image profiles to the viewer, but Godzilla defeats Femuto and Ghidorah, who are both shown in 3D picture profiles. This hints to a few things that will happen in the movie. Skullcrawlers and Ghidorah make a surprise appearance in the film, with the latter taking over MechaGodzilla's programming and making Ghidorah the main threat once more. There is also mention of the fact that Godzilla has battled other Titans in earlier films and one of them was the enemy's rival Alpha Titan, but King Kong has never faced another Alpha Titan until now; this indicates the fact he is the final winner of the title war when it gets serious.

#287 A motion capture suit is commonly used in films when CGI monsters are needed, and the actor in the suit provides the actors with a point of reference. This was more difficult to pull off than normal because of the enormous proportions of Godzilla and King Kong. Because of this, the visual effects team used tennis balls to demonstrate the placeholder position of the monster. The performers had a good idea of where their emotions and responses would go. This was nothing new for Millie Bobby Brown, who went through it several times filming Stranger Things. She also revealed that she enjoys playing the part of these phantoms, symbolized by tennis balls, in her performances. She had this to say about the experience: "It's incredibly wonderful because it adds such a great magical, surreal quality to it. Takes you away from reality and into another realm," says the author. "It's a wonderful experience." According to her, the actual world isn't always that fantastic, therefore she likes being able to escape into fantasy worlds like this one. Additionally, the filmmakers did not rely only on tennis balls to depict the creature's position. Adam Wingard used a laser pointer before every scene to indicate the actors where the monsters would be and where they would finish up, a simple tactic that proved to be quite successful on set preparation. As the creatures move, the filmmakers utilize a laser pointer to mark out their path and where they're coming from. Those like Millie Bobby Brown could see for themselves what they should and shouldn't be doing.

#288 The film's primary story aspects were the subject of extensive pre-release speculation, many of which turned out to be accurate.

#289 Once again, King Kong's arch-enemies, the Skullcrawlers, arrive, only to be promptly destroyed by MechaGodzilla.

#290 Particle Accelerator: Mechagodzilla uses this "proton scream" in just a few shots.

#291 If you've ever wondered about the meaning of the word "King Kong," you're not alone. The word "King Kong" in King Kong is derived from the Congo, which means "to gather" in the King Kongo language. The Cantonese-English romanization of Hong King Kong's name, "King Kong" translates as "harbour" (the same one seen in the background of the battle).

#292 As with Thor's Stormbreaker, King Kong's combat axe is a nod to the Marvel Comics hero.

#293 Half an hour into the movie, Godzilla and King Kong finally meet.

#294 When it comes to roaring sounds, Erik Aadahl was the one who came up with King Kong's.

#295 Die Hard (1988)'s John McClane's jump from the Nakatomi skyscraper attached to a fire hose looks a lot like King Kong's leap off the ship in Godzilla vs Kong.

#296 Its name appears in the film as MechaGodzilla, but it's referred to as Mechagodzilla in the toy line's official merchandising.

#297 A video game rendition of Godzilla and King Kong's current fight may not be in the works, but the iconic kaiju creatures have appeared in video games before. In 1983, Godzilla made his video game debut on the Commodore 64, and since then, he has appeared in several games on a variety of platforms. It's also worth noting that Peter Jackson's portrayal of King Kong on Xbox 360 was way ahead of the current reigning king of monsters, Legendary Pictures, in creating the MonsterVerse, which is based on King Kong. Twitter Fan art by Rariatoo depicts Godzilla and King Kong battling it out on the Nintendo Switch, rather than on the planet itself, courtesy to Super Smash Bros.' world of huge monsters.

#298 King Kong learns from Jia that he believes his family is trapped in the Earth's core. She was correct after all. As they did on Skull Island, Jia and her adoptive mother will follow him to the Hollow Earth, where they will remain with him and meet him each morning as he rises.

#299 Adam Wingard came up with the idea for King Kong's giant ax as merely a nice visual notion, but it blossomed into a key story element.

#300 Foetodon and Arachno-claws, two previously unidentified giant lizards and crabs from the 2005 film, are identified in the film's Audio Description track.

#301 The film was also a vehicle for highlighting King Kong's inability to stand on his own two feet. Since he's been stranded on Skull Island, he's lost touch with the rest of the world. He's never seen snow as he does on the Antarctica entry to the Hollow Earth. It is uncertain how long he remained undisturbed after the SkullCrawlers and the Mire Squid since he has never faced anything greater than him. Never before has he had a safe haven where he may wander freely. In addition, he's been rescued several times. This was King Kong's first glimpse of the vastness of the universe. Moreover, now that he's in uncharted waters, his might will only grow greater.

#302 As he prepares to use his axe for the first time, King Kong strikes at a Godzilla marked on the ground under his throne in the void. Godzilla's ability to charge the axe (because they share the same energy source) is hinted at here, as it did at the conclusion of the Mechagodzilla encounter. If the throne chamber of the King Kongs contains a luminous Godzilla artwork on the floor, it proves that they came from the same place.

#303 Maxim Borenstein, a co-writer of Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), told CinemaBlend that a deleted sequence depicting Mothra's egg was nearly Refitted for Sequel but was finally left out.

#304 This isn't the first time a young girl 'spoke' for a monster, as the Godzilla series is full of young women who serve as the voice for the monsters; usually though it is psychic powers, not sign langauge.

The film's worldwide total is presently about $442.5 million after grossing $342 million overseas and eventually collecting over $100 million in the United States. Additionally, Godzilla vs Kong had a strong debut weekend domestically, grossing $32 million in its first weekend (which, at the time, was a pandemic best). At roughly $98 million, the monster movie had a difficult time reaching the $100 million barrier, despite being so close. Godzilla vs Kong grossed $100.113 million domestically after 12 weeks in cinemas and a final $220,000 in ticket sales, according to Variety. In its first 15 days of release, A Quiet Place: Part II became the first film to gross more over $100 million domestically during the epidemic. For the first month, A Quiet Place: Part II will only be shown in cinemas, in contrast to Godzilla vs Kong, however it will go to Paramount+ after 45 days in theaters.

#306 The villains' deaths are perfectly timed: Ghidorah, a serpent-like Titan, kills Walter Simmons, who is a Smug Snake. It is interesting to note that although Dr. Serizawa was killed by nuclear fire (which is also where Godzilla gets his strength from), his son Ghidorah was electrocuted to death. Even the method in which they died was divisive: To save Godzilla's life, Dr. Serizawa committed a Heroic Suicide, while Ren was slain by Ghidorah when whatever remained of its mind came to him. Returning from the Dead. A bottle of booze defeats MechaGodzilla, who has been infected and reprogrammed by Ghidorah's subconsciousness. And the mythical Japanese serpent that inspired Ghidorah, Yamata no Orochi, was slain after it was drugged with liquor. '

#307 Before King Kong destroys HEAV 2, he briefly looks inside of it. Considering his intelligence, he likely knew the purpose of the HEAVs as transport units and wanted to make sure Jia wasn't in it before he destroyed it.

#308 Dragonzord/Dragon Caesar's tail drill from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, which was inspired by Showa-Era MechaGodzilla is evocative to MechaGodzilla's tail drill.

#309 Aside from Godzilla (who is also an opponent), it is MechaGodzilla (inspired by Ghidorah) that emerges as this film's real villain..

#310 Ann Foley, the costume designer for Jia's attire, gave the details "She's one of the movie's most endearing, fascinating, and remarkable figures. I wanted her outfit to pay homage to her Maori roots. That was the last time we saw it in "King Kong: Skull Island." from the '70s. For example, Monarch's t-shirt and shoes were inspired by current fashion trends while on the island in the present day. The Iwi calligraphy on her Iwi wrap serves as a tangible reminder of her cultural roots. The wrap is fantastic because it can be used for so many different things. It can serve as a disguise, a cloak, and a blanket, all at the same time."

#311 In The Legend of Tarzan (2016), Alexander Skarsgard portrayed Tarzan, the titular character, who was raised by gorillas.

#312 Even though Godzilla and King Kong have vastly differing skills, the jokes about the gap between the two are darkened as Godzilla tries to take the fight to the next level by demolishing King Kong and almost killing him in the process, leaving Godzilla as the obvious winner. To get out, King Kong had to walk away and make apologies rather than continue the struggle against the MechaGodzilla, which proved to be the stronger menace.

#313 It's business as usual for the brand. Hong King Kong contains more than 4,000 structures with a combined height greater than Godzilla's claimed stats (120m), even if the monster is completely retracted. Additionally, it seems that Mechagodzilla's size can be varied since it stretches its humanoid arms to near-maximum length to grip even the largest Skullcrawler at full extension. When the skullcrawler lunges towards a person, it seems much smaller than it really is. Mecha is around the same size as Godzilla, if not slightly larger (see arms).

#314 In the 1998 Godzilla film, Zilla's hunger is satiated by "a lot of fish." It is a reference to King Kong's devouring fish. A reference to the scenario in the 1998 Tristar picture when Godzilla drags the three fishing boats under by their net lines is also likely to be found in the Godzilla hauling a ship (or half a ship) beneath by its anchor.

#315 When Godzilla attacked Pensacola, the aircraft didn't act to attempt and stop him until he had already made disastrous landfall because Monarch were following him but were unconvinced that he'd get on land (much alone rampage through a populated area with no other Titan in sight).

#316 King Kong's casual morning wasn't the original opening and was instead something they thought up deep into production. It took them a while to feel confident enough that the monsters are characters in their own right.

#317 Level 33 is where the subterranean lab may be found. This is a nod to the year 1933, when the first King Kong film opened in theaters.

#318 The connection between Jia and King Kong has these characteristics: Even though Jia communicates with King Kong mostly via sign language, King Kong feels and thinks as if he can read Jia's thoughts and feelings at all times. If it's simply her knowing him so well or a mystical/telepathic link (as the movie titles hinted at), it's not obvious what is going on. The novelization adds to this by having King Kong spot Jia in need of aid just after she offers a quiet Iwi prayer to him. It's not clear whether it was a coincidence or if her prayer actually called him.

#319 Concept art by Matt Millard depicts a male counterpart to Warbat that would have possessed an electric tail and prehensile wings, but was never used.

#320 In spite of three months of tuition, Adam Wingard was unable to pick up any of the sign language's nuances. In the end, he had to use an interpreter with Kaylee Hottle to keep from seeming foolish.

Heisei, Kiryu and Showa films all have elements of past iterations, such as Mechagodzilla (villainous, with extraterrestrial origins, and seeking to overthrow Godzilla as the King of the Monsters) (uses a bio-computer, goes berserk, and surprisingly agile). Berserk's kaiju Berserk is also a source of inspiration (taken over by some force and turning against its creators).

#322 Remains of the three-headed destroyer are still present in the skull, and the Mecha has been given the sadistic mentality of Ghidorah, making it effectively the three-headed destroyer's successor.

#323 Because it was built from Ghidorah's skeletal remains, Mechagodzilla's neural network and telepathy are essential to its operation. The Heisei version, on the other hand, was reverse-engineered from Mecha-King Ghidorah. The Millennium version, on the other hand, was built using Ghidorah's neural network.

#324 Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. Kiryu's drill hand from Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. is an homage to Mechagodzilla's tail drill.

#325 Although the audio description refers to them as "Arachno-Claws" after the huge arthropods from King Kong, neither the movie nor the advertising material identify the Hollow Earth arachnid species (2005).

#326 Adam Wingard says he was recruited to direct this film because of his track record of completing projects on schedule and under budget.

#327 The Vile Vortex's strange Cool Gate leads to the Hollow Earth in the movie, but there's no explanation or foreshadowing beyond what the protagonists say about the Hollow Earth's inverted gravity. Cool Gate is described as an electrostatic-gravitational barrier in the Earth's mantle that effectively divides the Hollow World from the surface world. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) and this film don't answer how tunnels to the Hollow Earth may stay solid and locked in the plastic-like molten condition of the Earth's mantle. Prior to David Lind's expedition, a reporter questions Nathan about this and Nathan explains that it has to do with the membrane referenced in the book.

#328 In the film, Walter Simmons does not recognize Bernie Hayes, but in the novelization he does, citing his four-part series on chem-trails as a source of inspiration for future work.

#329 Intended to defeat Godzilla (God), the Titan of Humanity, and the avatar for Ghidorah (the Devil) to return as, Mechagodzilla is initially seen on a pedestal. Mechagodzilla is essentially a fake idol.

#330 The initial idea was for King Kong to suffocate Mecha-Godzilla with his own nuclear breath by squeezing his lips tight.

#331 As of this writing, this is the third King Kong film to be released in March. On March 2, 1933, King Kong (1933) was released, and on March 10, 2017, King Kong: Skull Island was released.

#332 Bryan Hirota, the VFX supervisor for this film's Mechagodzilla design, said that the general concept was worked out with the production designer and the artist. A few drawings and paintovers of Mechagodzilla were accepted by both Adam and Legendary and Toho - everyone who needed to approve it was satisfied. I believe he was developed by an artist who has been tweeting his creations. We started with a model in an action position and some artwork, and that was our starting point. All the joints had to be functional, therefore we had to take the model provided and make it work. Without colliding with each other, he can bend his elbow and knee to their maximum range of motion. In order to get him out of the way, we devised a technique that would allow the panels to slide out of the way. There are mechanical armatures that move components out of the way so he can shut his elbow joints or knees if you were to take a close-up of any of these joints. In order to stay within the authorized design, we reworked the feet such that these locations that required to shift could be functional. There were already evident armaments on him, such as the rocket packs strapped on his back. Because Mechagodzilla has always been well-armed, we were searching for new weaponry to bring into the battle as we planned the action scene with Mecha facing both Godzilla and King Kong. Because of this, we created the pop-up shoulder rockets, as well as the rocket thrusters on his back, to keep Godzilla at bay. In addition, DJ and Adam helped us brainstorm new ways to keep Mecha on the attack throughout the whole event, so we added the drill to the mix. It occurred to Adam that he may be able to use his tail as a weapon in some way. And I believe Adam came up with the idea of utilizing it as a drill by flipping it on its side. Mechagodzilla's past provided inspiration for these concepts, but they were developed via an iterative process of improving the final action sequence in order to keep Mecha active and attacking. If one of them were to face him alone, the concept was that either of them would be easily defeated by Mechagodzilla.

#333 Plot information have begun to trickle out about the earlier edition, portions of which are kept in the novelization. It sees Ren having greater screentime, with Madison experiencing repercussions of PTSD from the last film. A prominent one is that the eye spotted in Florida contains the ORCA-Z and the Simmons are purposefully attempting to place Godzilla into a poor light. Even his going out of his way to assault King Kong at sea was planned by Maia and 'playing dead' also prompted it to shut off.

#334 Originally, Mecha-Godzilla was meant to be controlled by a human pilot, but in order to investigate the potential risks of artificial intelligence, they made him conscious.

#335 At the 12 minute mark An incomplete visual effects shot from an early opening scene may be seen on a television screen. One of the vfx guys took a shaky video of it using his mobile phone.

#336 There is a Chevy van in Josh's brother's possession.

#337 Maia reveals in the novelization that despite her father's admiration and trust, he plays mind tricks with her. His failure to disclose King Kong's role in the search for Hollow Earth's power source is noted by her, and she believes it is probably a joke.

#338 First, Godzilla displays his blue eyes upon arriving on Pensacola. Previously, this was thought to happen when Godzilla was feeling threatened. This may be because the Apex structure houses eggs of skull-crawlers or because Mechagodzilla's eyeball is somehow linked to the Ghidorah DNA neurological system, although this has never been explained clearly.

Song "The Air That I Breathe" by The Hollies ends with "silent angel" and "Go to sleep" which signifies that King Kong may relax and be tranquil now that he's freed from Jia's clutches. Hollow Earth is a peaceful place for him, since he has no one to contend with.

#340 To set the stage for King Kong's discovery of the axe in the Hollow Earth Temple, we see him employing a tool in the redacted chapters.

#341 Millie Bobby Brown, on the other hand, was not a fan of Godzilla. "I'll be honest," she said in an interview. It's a good thing my character isn't a fan of Godzilla since I wasn't." After first being unsure of how to feel about the Titan, she came to love and care for the creature.

#342 Best visual effects nominee at the Oscars.

#343 For those familiar with Pacific Rim, you'll notice that Godzilla vs Kong has confrontations both in broad daylight and under a brilliant neon night sky.

#344 We now know that Godzilla was hit in the face by an axe blade, but that he was not knocked unconscious. Despite taking a hit that would have killed one of his forefathers, the young man emerged unscathed.

#345 Blue and orange are prominent colors in a majority of the company's marketing materials. Typically, Godzilla-related iconography is shown in blue, whereas King Kong-related imagery is depicted in orange.

#346 MechaGodzilla's Ghidorah component defies its programming and savagely slaughters Godzilla, and Godzilla is only spared by the intervention of another kaiju in the film version (Fire Rodan there, King Kong here).

#347 In the end, Mechagodzilla succumbed to the effects of booze. Keep in mind that Ghidorah is the real name of Mechagodzilla. It's no coincidence that Ghidorah is modeled on Orochi. As a result of making him intoxicated, Susanoo was able to subdue Orochi.

#348 Adam Wingard expressed his displeasure with the fact that Mechagodzilla was based on Michael Bay's Transformers creations. Mechagodzilla's job in the film is identical to AOE Galvatron's, therefore this is what he's saying (a human-made mechanical robot clone that takes on the mind of an alien villain, who eventually rebels in its human creators).

#349 William "Bill" Randa's 1973 trip to Skull Island is included in the movie's opening credits montage. King Kong: Skull Island (2017)'s Randa, portrayed by John Goodman, first saw King Kong on this expedition, however he was later devoured by a Skullcrawler. The Monarch archives preserve his legacy.

#350 According to a Legendary Studios press release dated March 11, 2021, both giants' Monarch profile heights have been officially confirmed. 393 feet (120 meters) is the height of Godzilla in Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), whereas King Kong stands at 336 feet (100 meters) (102 meters). This is the biggest incarnation of King Kong in history, both the largest American incarnation, and the second largest overall of Godzilla, behind the anime version in Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters. (2017).

#351 After the plesiosaur in the original, the sea serpent in Toho's remake, the enormous python in the De Laurentiis film, and Ramarak from King Kong: Skull Island, the Nozuki/Warbat attempts to strangle King Kong.

#352 It was Tamara Kent's job to ensure that the visual effects were delivered on time and on budget as a co-producer. Scanline VFX, Weta Digital, and MPC worked together to produce the visual effects. With only two effects studios available, Kent explained that there was simply not enough time to complete the project. An option considered was to split the animation job between two companies based on famous monsters: one would receive Godzilla, while the other would get King Kong. As a result, that idea was discarded "That didn't make sense," Kent said, "they would need to be created by the same team in shots where they competed. Things were then sorted by location." To animate the Hong King Kong segment, Scanline and Weta used MPC, Weta used Scanline, and Scanline used Scanline to animate every scene in Hollow Earth. Dec. 2019 was previously the target date for the impacts. In contrast, the film's postponement until November 2020 gave the effects crew extra time. Adam Wingard said that the film's "flexibility" provided them greater "right" to obtain the effects "980 complicated effects shots"

#353 In the midst of war, "Arabic pastry of the same name may be found in most grocery stores.

#354 During the film's Hollow Earth scenario, many new monsters may be seen, one of which resembles a well-known kaiju from Godzilla's Showa period. Shortly after entering the picture, the reptile monster devours a big crab that happens to be passing by. Toho's "Destroy All Monsters" and "Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack." co-star Baragon has a passing similarity to this ponderous four-legged beast, which has been likened to the adored Baragon. Although it lacks Baragon's floppy ears and forehead horn, this kaiju may be a baby Baragon. A Baragon of a different gender than the original might be the culprit. The fact that Baragon was also a subterranean burrower suggests that this new species and the original had some kind of link.

#355 In the Godzilla vs Kong novelization, Rodan was mentioned a few times, but not in the film's credits. In the five years that elapsed between Godzilla: Dominion and the sequel, Godzilla continued to patrol the planet and keep an eye on the Titans, as revealed in the prequel comic book to the film, Godzilla: Dominion. As depicted in the novelization, Godzilla paid a visit to Rodan in Fiji, the supposed final resting place of the Titan. It seems, based on this statement, that Rodan is now located in the MonsterVerse on the island of Fiji. While it had already been revealed that Rodan had taken refuge in a volcano in Fiji, this further confirms that his stay was not a brief one. He appears to still be there. That's logical, given how Dominion came to an end. Godzilla called all the Titans back into hibernation after checking up on them all because too much chaos had been caused by them all waking up at once, and it was time for him to take a rest. As a result, even if Rodan hadn't fallen asleep in the volcano before Godzilla and King Kong engaged in battle, he would have been dozing off by the time the battle began. According to Godzilla vs Kong, "Defeated" is used as a blanket term to describe all Titans who have been stripped of their alpha status. In spite of the fact that Rodan didn't die, he is considered a "submissive" by Godzilla. That said, even if Godzilla isn't worried about the Titan, he may still have an impact on the future of MonsterVerse. In the event of another Godzilla film, Rodan can be summoned to Godzilla's aid. Toho's famed Showa series kaiju team-up would be recreated in the MonsterVerse if this were to happen.

#356 In the end credits of King of the Monsters, the fine print read: 'De La Rosa went on to explain that Monarch wasn't just building this mechanical behemoth on Skull Island, but had previously tried to produce biological Titans in the past, and that they are the source of many of the recent Titan events'.

#357 There was an analogy drawn to Godzilla's search for MechaGodzilla in 2018's Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle, as Mechagodzilla City was being sought after for its assimilation capabilities, which posed an assimilation apocalypse. Ghidorah's remnants were used to build MechaGodzilla, which is directly utilizing Ghidorah's still-partly-living telepathic neurology in order to operate, allowing the three-headed destroyer's psyche the opportunity to attack the planet again.

There are various sections throughout the book that relate to stories and traditions about people who came out of the ground, and the novelization indicates that all of these are derived from the Titans and the Iwi's origins in the Hollow Earth. After every extinction event, the biosphere of Earth is resurrected from the depths of the Earth's core, which the book claims is the source of all life on the planet.

#359 Godzilla drags the anchor of one half of the escort ship behind him after he destroys one of the escort ships in the first Titan vs. Titan battle. Only the ship being pulled on the surface, much like the shark pulling the barrels in Jaws, may serve as an indicator of his (underwater) existence as he approaches the vessel carrying King (1975).

#360 Legendary Entertainment is considering selling or merging with another company. Several other media businesses have been considering this option, and some of these deals are now being concluded. A24, Imagine Entertainment, and the Hello Sunshine production firm of Reese Witherspoon are also weighing their options. In the meanwhile, Amazon has purchased Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) for $8.45 billion, and WarnerMedia and Discovery are waiting for official permission of their merger. When Sony Funimation attempted to acquire Crunchyroll for $1.175 billion back in 2020, it was postponed until March 2021.

#361 Godzilla had always envisioned a Hollow Earth ecology teeming with gigantic ancient creatures. Bride of Godzilla, a film that was never created, was based on this concept. In addition to the Humongous Mecha created to confront Godzilla, the area is home to lesser snake, lizard, and avian/bat-like creatures, exactly as in Bride of Godzilla.

Skullcrawlers may have been Godzilla's servants during the initial Titan War between Godzilla and King Kong. Despite their lengthy and bloody history with King Kong's people, the Hollow Earth's reptile inhabitants have yet to say anything about their possible link with Godzilla. At least one scene in the film suggests that they may have crossed paths during the Titan War. At some point in time, Godzilla's species and the gigantic ape species of the Monsterverse were engaged in an acrimonious fight deep beneath the Hollow Earth. According to the legend, King Kong's forefathers left their Hollow Earth temple and relocated to Skull Island, where they established a new home for themselves. Apparently, Skull Island's entrance point to the Hollow Earth was not the sole source of Hollow Earth animals. Skullcrawlers were among the monsters that accompanied King Kong on the journey, and they progressively wiped off King Kong's species, leaving just King Kong alone. The origins of the Skullcrawlers and their connection to the Titans of the title are revealed in the film's opening credits, in the form of a cave artwork. An epic fight between four creatures is shown in the picture. Godzilla, King Kong, a Titan (perhaps Mothra), and a Skullcrawler are all shown in the image. As a result, the Titan War was not just fought between Godzilla and King Kong's ancient relatives; other monsters were also a part of it. In the painting, it's not clear which side they were on, but it's more likely that they were working for Godzilla. Skullcrawlers and King Kong have a longstanding animosity, and it's hard to imagine a scenario where they fought for King Kong. Their participation in the Titan War may also provide light on the long-standing competition between the two species, which might explain why they've been fighting for millennia. Therefore, the Skullcrawlers might have helped Godzilla win the Titan War by joining forces with their fellow reptiles instead of fighting with King Kong's forefathers. In the Hollow Earth, Godzilla's species may have been the favorites and most feared monsters, much as in the present MonsterVerse. King Kong, on the other hand, may have been the underdog. Because of this, the Skullcrawlers could have served as Godzilla's henchmen. This wouldn't be the first time in the MonsterVerse that anything like this has occurred. As in Rodan and Godzilla: King of the Monsters, when the original Titans saw how mighty Godzilla was, they submitted to him. The Skullcrawlers could have done the same. In the grand scheme of things, it's conceivable they saw that their species was inferior to Godzilla and opted to join him rather than oppose him. There's a possibility they'd accept him as the leader and side with him again if they ran into each other in Godzilla vs Kong.

#363 When it came to how Godzilla would be portrayed in this picture, Toho Studios had specific expectations, especially how emotionally expressive he might be. Adam Wingard, the director of the new Godzilla film, reveals that there was some back and forth between Toho Studios and Wingard on the film's presentation of Godzilla. According to him, the studio would sometimes bring up difficulties, despite the fact that there was no official list of dos and don'ts. In particular, Toho didn't want to see Godzilla emote since that's not what a god-like monster would do. It's true that Wingard claims the studio was prepared to compromise. Wingard claims the following. Among them is the fact that they don't want Godzilla to show any emotion at all." To them, he's a god-like force of nature, and thus having him respond normally to events seems out of character. It's possible to get around it, of course. Godzilla is probably more emotional in this picture than he has ever been in any of the MonsterVerse movies, in my opinion. We had to come up with a smart solution. There are occasions when that information is provided to you in a really brick-wall manner. We've found that if we simply do certain things, present it to them in an appropriate manner and have their support, we can get away with a lot more than we would have otherwise." According to Adam Wingard, there are sequences in which the enormous beast seems to be smiling or laughing, but the interpretation of such images is left up to the viewer.

#364 A long-running question for Adam Wingard was whether or not the smile on King Kong's face near the 35-minute mark of the film was "is this cheap?" Ultimately, the goal was to show that "just beating King Kong up" rather than "this is a movie for kids at the end of the day."

#365 However, unlike "protect the Earth" Shun Oguri stated Ren's purpose as "everyone else, and his father" Aside from the "sort of" footsteps he took, Oguri said he doesn't think his father heard him.

#366 the first scene of the King Kong biopic The following are his stats: Skull Island is the island's origin. Smarts: quick to learn and adapt; makes good use of available resources. Exceptional physical and mental fortitude. Sturdiness: long-lasting and robust. Excellent ability to heal oneself Possibility of being set on fire Giant squids, skullcrawlers, and titans are among the foes.

#367 No previous monster tunes were used for Godzilla or King Kong.

#368 When King Ghidorah first appeared in Toho films, he was a dragon, but he was later reduced to a dragon by human aliens in the Toho movies. In this film, the dragon has been reduced to a weapon for the human antagonists, who feel that they are the Big Bad. Ghidorah hijacking MechaGodzilla with minimum external help, leading to MechaGodzilla's destruction, is an attempt to tie into the "humans are flawed" theme and prevent the villain rot that affected the Toho films' Ghidorah by keeping Ghidorah as eviler.

#369 Hollow Earth, a vast cavern under the surface of the earth, is the setting for most of the film's plot. Godzilla's ancient subterranean civilizations aren't new to the series, despite the fact that Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs are plainly influenced by their works. To a certain extent, Hollow Earth is similar to Godzilla vs. Megalon's Seatopia, an enormous country lying under the Earth's surface featured in that film's first act (1973). Secret regions of human-like civilizations coexist alongside their kaiju masters in both flicks.

#370 Atlantis the Lost Empire is a reference to the Hollow Earth's radiant energy activating and illuminating symbols (2001).

#371 The Asylum produced a mockbuster version of the film, Ape vs. Monster, a month after the original was released (2021).

#372 At the 36-minute mark) At one point, Lind was seen staring at a rubber band on his finger, much as he does in the picture with his brother. As he didn't have a ring, he offered her a rubber band in the original opening scene. During reshoots, Adam Wingard reportedly told Alexander Skarsgard, "your character is still the same except for all the things why your character is the way he is." To Conan's Studio for an unaired Skit they submitted his height for this height chart, although it should be noted Conan's crew counted Godzilla's dorsal fins towards his height of 355 feet, making him seem shorter than he is.

#373 A kaiju-like mechanical doppelganger appears in both this movie and an episode of The King Kong Show. Jia tells King Kong to "be careful" before the confrontation.

#374 For all the similarities between him and the Terminator, Godzilla-killing Mechagodzilla is a kaiju counterpart of the Terminator in everything except name.

#375 In the Hong King Kong fight, we see Godzilla grinning to himself as he successfully nicks King Kong with his atomic breath. Ghidora makes a similar giggle from the same camera position as Mechagodzilla finally escapes the Apex base and sets fire to many buildings' worth of civilians.

#376 Like at the conclusion of Godzilla, Godzilla departs the same manner (2014). After the battle is over, Godzilla just disappears under the surface of the lake.

#377 Carl Denham, who appeared in the 1933 film King Kong, is the inspiration for Denham University's name.

#378 The MonsterVerse's fourth episode.

Owing to King Kong being in transit across the ocean at the time of their first encounter, the odds tip substantially in Godzilla's favor due to Godzilla's greater mobility in the sea, while King Kong must rely on the ships in his path. In the ocean, Godzilla easily subdues King Kong after blowing up the aircraft ship he was aboard. King Kong would have been drowned if not for the humans' use of high explosive depth charges to disorient Godzilla and free him. This time around, Godzilla's Atomic Breath attacks may be evaded by King Kong climbing on the buildings surrounding him, which allows him to reach near enough to unleash his newfound axe on Godzilla. For the first time, he is able to bring Godzilla down. As a result, Godzilla decides to quit messing around and attacks King Kong savagely and fast, preventing King Kong from escaping and using the buildings as protection. In the end, Godzilla emerges victorious from the conflict.

#380 All of the scenes in which King Kong is not in the Hollow Earth feature him in jeopardy from the elements he is not prepared for, as well as a general lack of enjoyment. Every one of them points to the Hollow Earth as his home, and there is nothing else for him to do.

#381 Given the continuing COVID-19 Pandemic, the lackluster critical reaction of its predecessor, Tenet's less-than-spectacular box office performance, and its simultaneous premiere on HBO Max, many were doubtful that the movie would be a commercial success. A big boost to HBO Max subscribers, the movie has also become the highest-grossing since the epidemic began. Unlike Tenet and Wonder Woman 1984, according to Deadline, this picture will be a commercial triumph.

#382 Breaking The Law" by Judas Priest is playing on the radio as Josh Valentine drives Madison Russell to his brother's house in his brother's vehicle. The song's title sums up the remainder of their adventure; they break into Apex Cybernetics' facility in Florida and start on a whistleblower expedition.

#383 To sum it up, Maia Simmons' dehumanization by dubbing King Kong "the monkey" and her humorous undignified death at King Kong's hands when she betrays the heroes ends like thus. "Monke" is a disparaging moniker for King Kong used by Godzilla enthusiasts in the lead-up to the film's postponed release as a descriptor of King Kong. However, even though it was probably an accident, Maia's death ends up seeming to be the filmmakers' message to the audience for going beyond with their expectations of who would win.

#384 In October 2015, Legendary unveiled plans for a Godzilla and King Kong shared cinematic world. It was revealed in May 2017 that Wingard had been hired as the director of the picture in March 2017. Production started in November 2018 in Hawaii, Australia, and Hong King Kong and was completed in April of the next year.

#385 As with Insectosaurus from Monsters Vs. Aliens, the Warbats have a raspy, low-pitched roar. Warbats may be heard uttering high-pitched screeches that sound like the cries of the Nazgul, or Ring-Wraiths, in The Lord of the Rings when they are disturbed or in agony.

#386 According to reports, the HEAVs were powerful enough to keep Las Vegas illuminated for a week. Because of this, it serves as an excellent defibrillator in the final battle between Godzilla and King Kong, who has a slowing heart.

#387 Max Borenstein, the author In an interview with Slashfilm, he remarked that a MonsterVerse movie with just a few human characters "it would be amazing" he claims "In order to further flesh out and "characterize the monsters," it is entirely viable to use "the absolute smallest number of human characters." I believe it is possible. In the same way, I was wondering the same thing. As a matter of fact, I believe it'd be fantastic. My hope is that, given the popularity of Godzilla vs Kong, we will see this in whatever Legendary chooses to do next. It sounds like a lot of fun to me. I believe it's feasible. Attempting to do so would be an enormous undertaking. Aspiring, like in the style of Mad Max: Fury Road. I believe that even with a bare minimum of human characters, it is feasible to fully flesh out the personalities of the animals."

#388 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974) is also referenced in the film. Godzilla's transformation from benign to destructive is a direct copy of the movie's narrative, and in both instances MechaGodzilla is responsible. Godzilla is outraged at the construction of MechaGodzilla and is attempting to stop it from occurring, unlike the last time when an impostor in a Godzilla costume posed as him. When Godzilla and MechaGodzilla square off again, the latter is quickly dispatched, just as he was in their first encounter. There are some similarities between MechaGodzilla's introduction and his first movie debut (Anguirus and a Skullcrawler), but this one is far more vicious. King Kong twists MechaGodzilla's head off instead of Godzilla in order to beat him, although this is not the first time King Kong has done so. For the second time, King Kong and Godzilla will have to work together in the battle against MechaGodzilla. As an alternative to MechaGodzilla, the Azumi Princess sees King Ghidorah stomp on anybody who tries to flee in her vision. However, this mechanical Godzilla not only does the same maneuver while rushing towards Godzilla; it is genuinely acting like King Ghidorah. He also appears from the shadows of a dark mountain, which the prophesy had said would herald his entrance.

#389 In the forthcoming comic book 'Kingdom King Kong,' a flying bat-like monster known as Titanus Camazotz is shown as a lesser variant of the larger Titanus Camazotz. Hellhawks are the name given to the vulture-like monsters.

#390 Non-King Kong vs. Godzilla examples include the use of the severed head of a version of King Ghidorah in MechaGodzilla, as well as the use of the remnants of another monster, such as in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II.

#391 Metal fangs protrude from the lipless metal jaws of Mechagodzilla, but the heroic Alpha Titans he battles have expressive lipped faces.

#392 In Godzilla (2014), after Femuto almost destroyed Las Vegas, Nathan rescues King Kong by defibrillating him with the pulse from the Hollow Earth aerial vehicle, which has enough energy to run Vegas for a week.

#393 King Kong's plot is centered on Nathan Lind, although he doesn't accomplish anything. As far as protagonists go, King Kong receives the most attention and development.

#394 Wingard showed Michael Dougherty early Antarctica art and was concerned about upsetting Dougherty because Dougherty believes that each installment should take the monsters somewhere new, but "at the end of the day I can't imagine the opening to Hollow Earth being anywhere but Antarctica." Wingard said. According to Wingard,

#395 The total number of characters on-screen is 24.

Terry Rossio's unproduced script, titled Godzilla Vs The Gryphon, is the inspiration for this Godzilla movie.

#397 King Kong battled Mechagodzilla, the fourth Toho monster. Mechagodzilla has only been vanquished indirectly once before, by Haruo Sakaki in Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle's climactic battle with Mechagodzilla in 2018.

#398 Asher Jonah and Alan Jonah are the second and third human villains in the MonsterVerse, after Walter Simmons and Maia Simmons. In addition to Walter, Asher, Alan, and Preston, Ren Serizawa is the fifth male human villain.

#399 Ren Serizawa flew the original version of Mecha Godzilla from Toho, which was sent and controlled by Aliens. Mecha Godzilla is shown to be controlled by neurological signals from King Ghidorah, although the original version from Toho was sent and controlled by Aliens (1974).

#400 At one point, both Titans are able to walk on their hind legs simultaneously. During Godzilla's rampage against King Kong, the King of the Apes is unable to keep up, as Godzilla attacks him with such speed and fury that he is unable to keep up with the monster. When rushing through the Hollow Earth, King Kong walks upright most of the time, but knuckle-walks like a conventional ape.

#401 When Adam Wingard made his short video "Behold King Kong's Temple" for Godzilla vs Kong's home release, he said that as King Kong sat on the throne within the Hollow Earth temple, he attained "royal status." According to the director, "You really get to see King Kong turn into King Kong."

#402 To power Las Vegas "enough electricity to power Las Vegas for a week" is what Nathan Lind, portrayed by Alexander Skarsgard, says in a critical moment. The Stand's newest adaption features Alexander Skarsgard as Randy Flagg. A post-pandemic Las Vegas ruled by Flagg is illuminated with power in The Stand.

#403 King Ghidorah's skull has 1 minute of screentime, Hellhawks have 1 minute of screentime, Hollow Earth Lizard has 3 seconds, Hollow Earth Arachnid's have 12 second's, Leafwing have 6 second's of screentime, and Godzilla has 1 minute and 11 seconds of screentime.

#404 This film's opening scene, which features the sun as a metaphor for the tale of Icarus' father who gave him wings made of wax and cautioned him not to fly too near the sun, is depicted in the very first shot of King Kong: Skull Island (2017). It even finishes with King Kong's eye turning into the sun in King Kong: Skull Island. As with King Kong: Skull Island, this film introduces the leaf wing monster for the first time. 'Icarus Folium' is their Latin name.

#405 Ann Foley, the designer of Alexander Skarsgard's costumes, said "Our time together was a blast because to his creative contributions. We were brainstorming ideas for the character, and Alex had an idea of his own: he wanted to have some fun with it. For his character's '80s movie obsession, we paid tribute to "Lethal Weapon" and "Back to the Future." " His outfit is clearly influenced by Marty McFly's. We adjusted the base that I purchased. Because I wanted it to seem as though he had had it since the 1980s, we aged it down. To their credit, adidas was cooperative in helping us hunt down the high-tops, even with his own footwear."

Additionally, Mechagodzilla was built to take advantage of Godzilla's vulnerabilities, using a propulsion system that allows him to literally juke about and target Godzilla's blind spots without allowing him a chance to strike back effectively. Godzilla's weaknesses were exploited in this way. Aside from Godzilla's gills, his hands and tail are equipped with claws that can penetrate the Titan's skin; his weapon systems are designed to inflict damage where conventional weapons fail, as seen by Godzilla's slowing down in his advance after taking a volley of them. As Mechagodzilla does not need to breathe, he can sustain the laser forever, whereas Godzilla will eventually need to take a breath and end up absorbing it full-force for his trouble, with the laser being strong enough to truly harm Godzilla. He even has his own Breath Weapon.

#407 CGI was used to depict Mechagodzilla. Only the pilot's cockpit, where he or she controls the mechanical beast, was filmed with real actors.

#408 Two green pills may be found on King Kong's metal confinement collar, which were likely used to sedate him. This is a throwback to the original King Kong vs. Godzilla film, which saw him inebriated and fall asleep after drinking a significant quantity of berry juice.

#409 It is explained by Nathan in the novelization that they need to discover a particular focus point in the Hollow Earth's energy mineral to collect and study it correctly, and they can't simply utilize any of the deposits that are seen on the mountain early in the film.

#410 When Ren infuses Mechagodzilla with Hollow Earth Energy, he murders Simmons and becomes the only human Big Bad, resulting in a Big Bad Duumvirate led by Ghidorah and a hollow energy-infused Mechagodzilla.

#411 Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) maniac Nathan Lind provided this explanation to Simmons in the bar before Simmons arrived, but it was removed.

#412 Dr. Serizawa's son Ren is never mentioned throughout the whole film. That Ren wants to kill Godzilla, given that his father died saving him, is a bit of an irony. It's possible he blames Godzilla for the death of his father.

#413 H.E.A.V., or Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicle, is a brand new high-tech anti-gravity craft unveiled by the enigmatic APEX Cybernetics company. It is strikingly similar to the popular Super X aerial vehicle first introduced in The Return of Godzilla (1984), since it was both visually and functionally similar, as well as being equipped with a variety of futuristic weapons (1995). These vintage Godzilla vehicles seem to be updated in this film's H.E.A.V.

#414 In the mind of director Adam Wingard, Godzilla was like The Undertaker, a professional wrestler and scary loner who comes and goes as needed to attack on adversaries. He also gave King Kong a deadly leap that is also a "Die Hard" tribute in King Kong, a reference to Bruce Willis' John McClane. "He's this '80s action-hero archetype," he adds of King Kong. In the end, it's just me and a lot of terrorists, even if John McClane is a great officer. As for King Kong, he's in a bit of a predicament, but he isn't completely outgunned.

#415 There is a striking resemblance to a Godzilla 2014 poster when Madison (Millie Bobbie Brown) is watching the news bulletin of Godzilla attacking the Apex facility while at school.

#416 Godzilla is 177 meters in length and is over 90,000 tons in weight, making him the largest living thing ever. King Kong is 103 feet high and carries a mass of more than 50,000 tons.

According to the film, King Kong was a "teenager" and "still growing" in the 1970s. King Kong is 300 feet tall currently, yet he was only 100 feet tall in King Kong: Skull Island, making him the height of a kid. A related question is how the Skull Devil/Ramarak/The Huge One managed to murder both King Kong's parents if it was slightly larger than 1973 King Kong and much smaller than 2021 when an adult King Kong is SO big. Mechagodzilla was almost as intimidating to King Kong #10 skullcrawler as Ramarak was to teen-King Kong. Although skullcrawlers were previously supposed to be little, it turns out they may grow much bigger than previously imagined. Fortunately for Ramarak, he was supported by other Skullcrawlers at the moment. The only enormous apes remaining were King Kong's parents, and he was born in the midst of the slaughter. The loss of his parents increased King Kong's rage, making him more determined than ever to eliminate every other Skullcrawler in his path. Because King Kong was still a teenager, he was becoming more energetic. Ramarak would have been easy pickings for him if there were no Skullcrawlers that weren't Skullcrawlers that were not Ramarak. Skullcrawlers, like King Kong, seem to go through the same "Stronger with Age" progression as King Kong. Furthermore, it is implying that King Kong is exceptionally large for a King Kong, considering none of his parents bones are quite as large. There is evidence that individuals of King Kong's species had engaged Godzilla's species in the distant past, thus it seems that this is only true recently. Also, who is to tell that nuclear radiation has no effect on King Kong? In Skull Island, that's presuming there's any nuclear radiation for King Kong to eat. There isn't and King Kong grew organically, according to what we know. With his size and the fact that cave drawings show that another King Kong battled Godzilla previously, it is quite possible that King Kong will be the first of his type to achieve full maturity in a long time.

#418 Wingard responded on Instagram to a question concerning the official name of the Hollow Earth lizard by saying that he believed the general agreement was that he will be named "Titanus Doug". It's become a well-known internet joke, and the name "Doug" has stuck thus far. Wingard made a joke about adding fuel to the fire when he was questioned about the next MonsterVerse movie that should be made about him. Doug was Doug's pick. Although Doug is plainly too little to be a genuine Titan like Godzilla or King Kong, he may still be used in some capacity in the future. It's even more likely that Wingard will bring back Doug in any future MonsterVerse film, since the monster "has a lot more to give" [via Reddit] when he returns. That opportunity could be just around the horizon, given the speculations that Wingard is connected to direct Son of King Kong, which is reportedly in production. Doug's participation or cameo in Son of King Kong is a no-brainer, given that the film is likely to be set in the Hollow Earth and concentrate on lesser creatures.

#419 It was revealed that Jia's necklace is comprised of Skullcrawlers teeth that she collected on the island. She is an orphan since her family was destroyed by Skullcrawlers (huge two-legged reptiles). Her necklace was a talisman that protected her from the perils of her past and gave her the confidence to face the future.

#420 It was evident from the outset that fans feared that Godzilla and King Kong's battle would finish in a stalemate so that they might join forces to take on a third enemy. In the end, they link up with MechaGodzilla, but only after Godzilla has been declared the victor in their last fight.

#421 Godzilla vs Kong would be an unequal confrontation if it were only a matter of brute strength against brute strength. It was only after King Kong attacked him in the face with an axe in an interview filmed before to the film's release that Adam Wingard would go on to say that Godzilla took his battle with King Kong no seriously.

#422 The novelization explains why humans are better at it, and everything looks more high-tech than before. Humans were overconfident in their ability to contain the Titans in the previous films and overestimated the Titans' Adaptive Ability in the face of their anti-Titan tactics, but the events in King of the Monsters were humbling for the whole globe in both regards as well.

#423 Director Adam Wingard claimed that Transformers: Dark of the Moon's robot designs served as inspiration for Mechagodzilla (2011).

#424 The novelization's prologue reveals that one of the oil-rig-based black marketeers who kidnapped Na Kika in Godzilla Na Kika/escape Kraken's during the previous story's events almost killed Dominion, a former Monarch spy.

#425 This is what Adam Wingard says happened when the Mecha's AI and Ghidorah's leftover mind were combined to form a new personality for Mechagodzilla after it was hijacked by Ghidorah. According to the novelization, when Mechagodzilla becomes conscious, "It did not know who it was, or what it was, but it was full of rage and the black joy of finally being, and having limbs, and teeth, a boundless, unending energy at its command" with limbs, teeth, and an endless, unending amount of energy at its disposal. Although Ren Serizawa was killed after the psionic hookup was disconnected, the novelization implies that his mind was ingested and integrated into Mechagodzilla's personality during its creation (as opposed to being electrocuted after the Mechagodzilla's sentience was established).

#426 Godzilla vs Kong will launch on HBO Max on the same day as the rest of Warner Bros' 2021 releases because of the pandemic. Promoting HBO Max, a promotional film included a brief glimpse of King Kong confronting Godzilla.

#427 When asked about the length of his original edit of the film, director Adam Wingard said that it was 4 hours long, but he was unable to utilize all of the material. Later, he claimed he was happy with the final edit since it brought the tale to a close.

#428 Having King Kong shove the end of his axe hilt into Godzilla's jaws may be an amusing reference to the 1962 picture. Godzilla's rage is reasonable given that the axe is fashioned of the bones of his forefathers, which would be a severely rude affront to him.

#429 More than $122 million was made during its first weekend of distribution, making it the highest opening for a pandemic film.

Mechagodzilla is killed by King Kong despite his defeat by Godzilla.

#431 It's possible that Godzilla vs Kong and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice share certain visual cues, according to Twitter user ImranRaja0603. Godzilla pushes down on King Kong's chest in the midst of their Hong King Kong combat. He's the winner, and he's confident in his victory. When Godzilla lets forth a lengthy, intimidating roar, King Kong responds with one of his own. Fans of Godzilla vs Kong may not know what they were saying in the Martha scene, but according to one Twitter user's Godzilla vs Kong fan theory, King Kong takes the position of Superman and Batman does. In this case, though, it would be Mothra who receives an emotional shout-out.

#432 Godzilla is depicted as a huge bully in King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962), cheering enthusiastically when he gets to harm King Kong. Godzilla starts both confrontations with King Kong because he can't stand the thought of a competitor and has no choice except to subdue King Kong or kill him. As he pulls King Kong below and attempts to drown him in the Tasman Sea, Godzilla is at his most malevolent in the Legendary Series, absolutely violent and vicious. If Godzilla would just leave him alone, it would seem that King Kong would be satisfied.

#433 The atomic breath of Godzilla is no match for the additional juice King Kong obtains in King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962). He regained consciousness after Godzilla knocked him out, and was given "electric fingertips" to shock the King of the Monsters when the lightning bolt struck him. Dr. Nathan Lind revives King Kong with a defibrillator in this film, thus he is still being fueled up by electricity in some manner.

#434 Adam Wingard wished for a clear victor in the film, saying: "I am rooting for a winner. While the first film was a blast, you feel a bit let down that the movie doesn't take a clear stand. In the original film, you know, people are still discussing who came out on top. As a result, I'd want viewers to leave the theater thinking, Okay, there's a winner."

#435 Both Godzilla and King Kong are extinct species.

#436 A little amount of blood is revealed when Godzilla bites King Kong's hand underwater, and he also bites King Kong's hand in Hong King Kong, when he flips him over and dislocates his shoulder.

#437 On May 21, 2021, the film was released digitally and on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K Blu-ray.

#438 This latest iteration of Godzilla is an amalgamation of all previous depictions: a manmade anti-kaiju weapon introduced with MechaGodzilla II, a revived kaiju consciousness within a robotic enclosure like Kiryu, the third iteration; but that leaves the obvious hole of the first MechaGodzilla, which was a giant robot disguised as Godzilla sent by aliens. MechaGodzilla is the one who instigates Godzilla's attacks, but the brain that takes control of the robot is that of an extraterrestrial. That's it.

#439 While Guillerman and Mark Russell had never heard of "Robo-Godzilla" or "Mechagodzilla," they have the similar discussion when they see it in the novelization, despite not having heard either moniker from Team Godzilla.

#440 Director Adam Wingard, too, was open to improv on set, as Millie Bobby Brown revealed in an interview. As a result, the performers were free to respond to the events as they unfolded organically and spontaneously. Their spontaneous responses were included in the film's final edit.

#441 The overall concept of a hollow earth. Even though it's mostly spoken in scientific terms, this is an Eldritch Location where gravity isn't quite the same. An energy source that seems to have magical capabilities, the Hollow Earth energy source remains a mystery. The fact that the Titans restore the environment by metabolizing radiation merely adds to the myriad of unanswered mysteries. We can reproduce it, but it is evident that Apex does not comprehend what we are trying to achieve with this.

The Foetodon from the King Kong remake in 2005 has a striking resemblance to the Hollow Earth lizard's size and form.

#443 Even though King Kong is a monkey, his brain is arranged in a way that differs from that of a human, according to the Godzilla vs Kong novelization.

#444 After Godzilla: King of the Monsters, this is Millie Bobby Brown and Kyle Chandler's second outing in the Monsterverse (2019). After King Kong (2005), this is Kyle Chandler's second King Kong picture, however it is unrelated to this one. "

#445 Aside from Ramarak and Muto, the other Titans are mentioned as "Defeated" in the beginning, but their condition or locations are not addressed further. This is probably just a Credits Gag to go with with the movie's "match of the century" motif, given how the opening credits mention the monsters like prior matches in a championship tournament. After detecting that Ghidorah's brain is still alive, Godzilla tells the titans in the tie-in comic Godzilla Dominion to retreat below.

#446 King Kong throws a construction crane towards Godzilla from the top of a tower during the confrontation in Hong King Kong. King Kong's grasp on top of the Empire State Building is instantly recognizable in this photo.

#447 Skullcrawlers are classified as non-amniote reptiliomorphs in the novelization, making them technically amphibians (or more specifically, part of a branch that lies between modern amphibians and true reptiles). Skullcrawlers, like salamanders and frogs, deposit transparent eggs in the film.

#448 A reference to the Marvel picture Hulk is made as King Kong jumps between ships (2003).

#449 When Lance Reddicknote's character Guillermin arrives on Skull Island at the opening of the film, it is a nod to the director of King Kong (1976) and its sequel, King Kong Lives, John Guillermin (1986).

#450 indicted a link between Godzilla's nuclear breath and the mysterious Hollow Earth energy source when it was confirmed that they are both identical. Godzilla's long-ago consumption of it would explain this relationship. This was also alluded to in the Godzilla vs Kong novelization, which recounted the narrative of Godzilla's conflict with King Kong using an Iwi mythology. According to the book, Godzilla "ate a star" and then started spewing rays from his mouth, as was described. This remark clearly reveals that Godzilla's atomic breath is not an inborn capacity. Regardless of what the "star" was.

#451 Ghidorah has a lot of power over Mechagodzilla, but it's not clear just how much of the monster's mind remains after it takes control of the robot. Because of this, Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla have developed their own unique personalities, according to the filmmaker. After being born, Mechagodzilla's consciousness was full of rage and black joy at finally being alive and having limbs and teeth at its command. The novelization supports this interpretation, and states that it "did not know who it was, or what it was, but it was full of rage and the black joy of finally being, and having limbs, and teeth, a boundless, unending energy at its command." Also, the book appears to imply that Mechagodzilla's personality is a result of the mind fragments of Ghidorah consuming Ren Serizawa's consciousness in a Fusion Dance. Ghidorah may have been awake and waiting for the Hollow Earth energy to be transferred to the Mecha, although it's not clear whether that was the case. A Ghidorah-like cry was made by Ghidorah's remnants whenever the Mecha activated, and the novelization suggests that Ghidorah's subconsciousness was (perhaps unintentionally or deliberately) influencing Ren with More Than Mind Control toward giving Ghidorah a new form....

Until it's shown that he isn't truly at home on Skull Island at the beginning, when they show King Kong lounging about. An allegory for the film's many settings. Most of the filming was done in front of large green screens.

#453 Even if the statement "could light up Las Vegas for a week" might simply allude to the city's past splendor, the usage of it in King of Monsters implies that Vegas has been irradiated, abandoned, and overrun with flora after Godzilla's assault by the MUTO.

#454 Composer Junkie XL had previously created music for Godzilla as a hobby before being recruited for the project. As a self-described Godzilla aficionado, he boasted about owning all the original Japanese language releases. This was brought up during his interview with director Wingard, and he shared his work with him. For the film, he decided that the world's largest bass drum was necessary.

#455 Terror of Mechagodzilla introduced the concept of Mechagodzilla being commanded by a cyborg interface. After emitting an intense blue-and-yellow glow, the proton blast from the creature's mouth erupt. As a consequence, the space beams from the original Mechagodzilla have a striking resemblance. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II: Godzilla vs. Mecha-King Ghidorah uses the same technique to seize control of Mechagodzilla that King Ghidorah did to Heisei Mechagodzilla in the first film. Additionally, it might also be understood to symbolize Godzilla's programming being replaced with his own, which resulted in an uncontrollable rampage against the metropolis of Metropolis. Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla made advantage of Mechagodzilla being constructed from the biological remains of a dead monster.

#456 When they first go into Hollow Earth and cross the gravity barrier, it's an easter egg to 2001: A Space Odyssey. And prior to Mechagodzilla bursting out of the arena, there's an Easter egg shot with the sun rising over the Apex headquarters with the moon above it. That's very reminiscent of the monolith shot from 2001.

#457 In the Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) novelization and in the film, it is stated that Ghidorah's Healing Factor needs energy to function. It's conceivable that this mechanism is what triggers MechaGodzilla to awaken Ghidorah's residual influence within the skull and inside MechaGodzilla once it's powered up.

#458 The film claims that King Kong acquired sign language from Jia, whereas the novelization says that Andrews spent years attempting (apparently unsuccessfully) to teach him American Sign Language.

#459 In comparison to earlier versions of the character, this Mechagodzilla is much slimmer. There are glimpses of black and different red lights throughout the body of Mechagodzilla, which is mostly gunmetal silver. Robotic "gills" and ribbed torso make Mechagodzilla suggestive of a ribcage. Its head and toes resemble King Ghidorah's, while its body is that of Godzilla. Mechagodzilla has three rows of tiny, square-shaped dorsal plates with red lights at each point, which run from its head to its back and then merge into one row as it moves down its tail. Each row is supported by Mechagodzilla. A drill-like pair of twin blades protrudes from the tip of the tail, giving Mechagodzilla's new form additional maneuverability. A pair of crimson eyes on top of its spherical head alternate with blue flashes as it starts to lose control. In the moments before being seized by Ghidorah's awareness, its eyes flame crimson. Its pupils vanish when it succumbs to Ghidorah's spell. There are noticeable differences in the size and thickness of the Mechagodzilla's arms and hands when compared to those of its earlier versions. Armored armour is sewn into the panels of its arms and legs. Submerged behind its shoulder pads are missile launchers, and saws at the tips of its fingers. Five digits may be seen on each of Mechagodzilla's feet, with four on the front and one on the rear. In order to sustain its enormous weight, its legs are revealed to be equipped with hydraulic pistons and other gear.

#460 To assist King Kong's heart re-start, the filmmakers may have taken inspiration from the original King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962) when lightning bolts revived King Kong and allowed him to confront Godzilla after his injuries.

#461 A fresh cast and a different storyline were added to the Japanese version of King Kong vs. Godzilla before it was dubbed into English for American audiences. To satirize the Japanese TV business and the conflicts it sparked, the original Japanese film was created as a comedy. In the words of the original filmmaker, Ishirô Honda, "My intention in portraying the monster fight as an all-out ratings struggle was to reflect the times in which we live. When you conceive about King Kong against Godzilla as a one-on-one duel, it's ridiculous. When it comes to filming a scene, the filmmaker's creative process takes precedence."

#462 Ilene has been dubbed "the Jane Goodall of King Kong." by Rebecca Hall.

#463 The reason for Ren's involvement with APEX was never made clear to the viewers. Serizawa's legacy was betrayed by his determination to assist kill Godzilla, particularly because he died in order to keep Godzilla alive. In the novelization, Ren's origins are explored in depth; this was not done in the film. Godzilla is a constant source of envy for Ren, who has harbored it for years, according to the book. His father's infatuation with the Titans, notably Godzilla, made him resentful as a youngster. The more he learned about Godzilla, the more he resented his father and the more he hated the monster. He joined Simmons at APEX because of his affections for Godzilla and his lack of contact with his father. In the end, he decided to reverse his father's legacy by helping APEX defeat Godzilla with Mechagodzilla. It was a kind of vengeance for him against whatever had betrayed his father's absence from his life.

#464 The Godzilla vs Kong fight in Hong King Kong has neon-lit buildings from top to bottom. When compared to the drab, smoke-filled ruins of Godzilla's first two films, this one looks more like a primetime wrestling bout. When Godzilla unleashes his wrath on King Kong, the majority of the city's skyscrapers will have lost electricity as a result of the attack. Daytime fights for the globe begin when MechaGodzilla emerges, and all the neon has been sucked out of the atmosphere. As a further point of emphasis, the mech is never seen outside of its construction laboratory or the city where it was built.

Texts that appear in the open credits have been edited out. To redeem his shattered image, Alexander Skarsgard has to establish that Hollow Earth does exist in this film's setting Eiza González is the subject of several explorers' attempts to establish their relationship, and many have died in the process.

#466 His internal power also emits an ominous-looking brilliant red glow, which contrasts with Godzilla's blue light. When Ghidorah's influence exceeds his programming, he tries to destroy whatever human or Titan he sees, regardless of whether they are Titans or humans.

#467 Godzilla, unimpressed by King Kong's right hook, delivers a massive swipe to the ape's back during their battle on the aircraft carrier, sending him flying backwards and out of bounds. Mechagodzilla hits Godzilla's gills, causing Godzilla to be tossed about like a ragdoll with each strike.

#468 Millie Bobby Brown's costume designer Ann Foley said about working with the young actress "But she was a lot of fun to work with during our first fitting. She said she was reminded of Angelina Jolie and the character of "Tomb Raider." When an actor discovers their character at a costume fitting, it's always a happy moment."

#469 Questioned about the reason for his emotional prominence, King Kong offered this explanation: Like in his other films, in this one you can feel the emotion on his face and in his movements as he connects with the characters. VFX supervisor Bryan Hirota responded to a question about the creative process, saying, "Like you stated, King Kong is the sympathetic figure that you follow throughout the film. We see Godzilla in the same way that hurricanes or earthquakes do; he is just there. He's an act of God, while King Kong looks like a real person. Human-like traits and qualities are already present in gorillas, but the Skull Island King Kong possesses far more of them than your usual monkey. This film's use of them is particularly inventive. We had to make sure that we had a facial rig that enabled our animators to accomplish the type of face acting that was necessary for the sequences that we had to work on. When Jia initially went to see him when he was chained up on the ship and disclosed that he could sign, you needed to understand that he was both furious and heartbroken about his situation. That he had a personal relationship with this young kid was crucial. In addition, we created a high-quality eye model for King Kong that is quite realistic. When it comes to determining what someone is thinking, the eyes are always the best place to start.

#470 This anti-kaiju mech, like Kiryu's in the previous two Godzilla films (Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla and Godzilla: Tokyo SOS), is controlled by organic kaiju matter (a fragment of Ghidorah's DNA in Mechagodzilla's case). According to the novelization, Mechagodzilla was built using two of Ghidorah's skulls, one in the power unit and the other in the control unit. Hollow Earth energy revives Ghidorah's corpse and its mind joins with the AI of Mechagodzilla, making it possible for the two to wage war against each other.

#471 For Alonso Duralde of TheWrap, the series has "given up on everything save the monster battles" and wrote, "Yes clearly no one goes to these movies for the complex human characters or plot machinations or even allusions about the environment and industrialization. Because of how helpful they are during the pauses between monster engagements, you miss having a few of them around at all times. And because even such struggles are mostly inconsequential, why are we here at all?" "Godzilla vs Kong mostly delivers on its promise of a big monster fighting another big monster," said Empire's John Nugent in his two-star review. It all comes down to how patient you want to be with the toe-curlingly terrible set-up that surrounds it to be." "Overseeing the mayhem is director Adam Wingard, who started out making wittily brutal low-budget horror films before becoming a studio gun for hire," said Jake Wilson in his review for The Age. As far as I can tell, there is absolutely no trace of his previous self in this."

#472 Due to the high volume of traffic produced by people seeking to see the trailer on wikizilla.org, the site fell unavailable.

Given that movie theaters have been forced to close because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Netflix has made a purchase offer to Legendary Pictures for $200-$250 million for the picture. Enola Holmes, a fellow pandemic survivor, was previously broadcast on Netflix. But WarnerMedia thwarted the transaction. In response to this, Legendary asked that Warner Bros. match Netflix's offer when it was revealed that the studio planned to release its whole 2021 theatrical slate on HBO Max at the same time. To avoid a lengthy legal battle, Warner agreed to pay Legendary back for its share of the production costs in order to acquire full ownership of the movie.

#474 The movie's release date was postponed from March to November of 2020. Then, owing to the COVID-19 Pandemic devastating the movie theater economy, it was rescheduled to May 2021. For a one-month period in November 2020, WarnerMedia announced that it will be launched in cinemas and on HBO Max on the same day (for a total of one month). WarnerMedia started conversations with Legendary Pictures officials when they expressed their displeasure with this choice (as they had with Dune as well). To accommodate the March 18 premiere of Zack Snyder's Justice League, the simultaneous release date was first pushed back to March 26, 2021, and then back five days to March 31, ahead of Easter weekend. Chinese audiences were able to see the film in theaters on March 26, only a few days before it was released in North America on March 31.

#475 As in Lord of the Rings, the Warbats may be heard producing high-pitched screeches that sound like Nazgul, or Ring-Wraiths.

#476 A pre-COVID estimate of roughly $68 million for the film's opening weekend in the United States and Canada put the film's opening weekend total at around $23 million. The opening day total of $9.6 million from 2,409 cinemas was the best of the epidemic. The film's five-day forecasts were raised to $30-40 million when it made $6.7 million on its second day of release. At 3,064 theaters as of Friday, the picture had had grossed $31.6 million in three days and $48.1 million over five, making it the biggest opening weekend of the epidemic. The film's box office success was credited to "positive word-of-mouth." according to Collider. The picture took in $13.9 million in its second weekend, keeping its top spot and surpassing Tenet's $58.5 million in domestic box office revenue. Godzilla vs Kong surpassed A Quiet Place Part II's domestic and Canadian box office gross of $100 million during the COVID-19 pandemic's last weekend, which ended on June 20, 2021.

#477 The film takes place in 2024, which is the 70th anniversary of the release of Godzilla in 1954, when the picture was first shown in cinemas.

#478 When Mechagodzilla is meant to be dormant, its eye lights and makes a sound that resembles the ORCA, which seems to be a signal for Godzilla to arrive. Like Ghidorah, Ren defeats the test Skull Crawler. Because Ghidorah is still alive and well within the machine, he will take control of Mechagodzilla when it is finished. An artificial replica of Ghidorah's Alpha Call was discovered in the novelization, which adds another dimension to the mystery.

#479 There is a lizard in the Hollow Earth that looks much like Godzilla and moves on all fours, hinting to the final battle between Godzilla and King Kong in which Godzilla crawls over the ground.

#480 The film's opening thirty minutes went through multiple iterations before ending here. As it now stands it features several scenes repurposed and/or moved from later sequences. The footage of Godzilla's attack on Pensacola was originally part of an assault on a Monarch base.

#481 Russell's presumption that Godzilla has performed a face-heel turn is less ridiculous in light of the novelization. Has been wondering for some time whether or whether Godzilla, as protector of Earth's natural balance but not individual humans, would one day begin to fight mankind, which has been returning to its old exploitative ways since the Titans returned to sleep.

#482 Bryan Hirota, the VFX supervisor on Mechagodzilla, has revealed a detail that fans may not have noticed on their first viewing: "A lot of this stuff isn't that visible in the film, but if you were to close-up on any of these joints, there are mechanical armatures that move pieces out of the way so that he can close his elbow joints or close the knees," Hirota told ScreenRant. Aside from keeping in mind the authorized design, we altered the feet so that these locations that required movement could be made more useful. "The rocket packs that were slung over his shoulders were already visible," he said. Even so, when we worked on Mecha battling Godzilla and King Kong, we were basically seeking for more weaponry to bring into the battle since historically, Mechagodzilla is well-equipped.

#483 In a nod to the King Kong roar from 1976, King Kong lets out a roar as soon as he enters the room.

#484 He wanted to get to know Kaylee Hottle on a more personal level, so he took the time to learn American sign language so he could communicate with her in between scenes and get to know her better. He couldn't praise his co-prodigious star's talent enough in an interview he stated: She's one of the most talented actresses I've ever worked with "For the first time, she's making a film of her own. How fast she responds to Adam's direction and how comfortable she feels in front of a camera is astounding. After he explains something and she says "got it, got it," he proceeds to carry out the task.

#485 King Kong: Skull Island's post-credits sequence clearly hinted about Godzilla against King Kong in 2021. (2017).

#486 Robotics. The human mind. Artificial intelligence. Foreshadows what Apex Cybernetics is covertly constructing, A Humongous Mecha, which we subsequently discover is employing an organic mind (particularly Ghidorah's brain tissue) to locomote, and then the Mecha becomes independent of the humans and performs that thing that Artificial Intelligences are notorious for doing.

As stated in his bio, King Kong has a punch power of 4.2 magnitude of the epicenter based on his stats.

#488 MechaGodzilla's head is torn off by King Kong, and the screen is covered with oil.

#489 Adam Wingard acknowledges the previous filmmakers in the monsterverse for making his job simpler on the project. Including providing him a means to explain King Kong's abrupt growth surge.

#490 To distinguish this version of Mechagodzilla, it is noted for its absence of teeth (even the Ready Player One version prominently had them).

#491 The characters of Jessica Henwick and Ziyi Zhang were deleted from the film after they were cast. Zhang has previously featured in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the previous Godzilla film (2019). Lance Reddick's involvement in the editing room was also diminished.

#492 Godzilla and King Kong are non-human examples of this. In the end, their feud serves only to divert attention away from the real issue at hand, namely the creation and rise of Mechagodzilla (and the accidental resurrection of Ghidorah), but they continue to pursue it due to Godzilla's inability to tolerate any potential challengers to his dominance and King Kong's unwillingness to submit anyone.

#493 The film's reception was unknown when Adam Wingard recorded this commentary in early February of 2021.

As part of the Godzilla vs Kong comic book prelude, a new talent for Gojira relating to his eyesight is revealed. Kingdom King Kong and Godzilla: Dominion, two graphic novels based in the Monsterverse, were released at the same time as the film. Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Godzilla vs Kong helped fill in the five-year gap between the two films. It's been two years after Ghidorah's defeat and two new Titans have appeared in Dominion. The film also delves more into Godzilla's past as the alpha, introducing us to Scylla and Behemoth. Godzilla has been spending a lot of time battling other Titans and preventing them from creating problems for the Earth since Ghidorah woke up so many monsters at once. "Dominion" features an encounter between Godzilla and a monster that requires him to use a hitherto unseen skill. A gigantic sea snake, Tiamat, appeared on a monitor screen in King of the Monsters and attacked Godzilla in the ocean. Regardless of what this strike was, Godzilla was blinded by its "brightness". Godzilla was still able to aim at Tiamat, despite the fact that he was blind. "other ways to see." were mentioned in one of the panels. Tiamat's heat signature was detected by him, and he responded with a tail smack. Godzilla, like the titular alien in the action picture Predator, seems to have thermal vision based on what was depicted in the comic book (1987). When Godzilla is momentarily blinded, he can still recognize his enemies since he can perceive heat sources. Thermal vision may not be his sole option for seeing, as the term "other ways to see" suggests. Although this is the first time he's shown off this talent, Godzilla may have already utilized it without the public seeing. As he battled Ghidorah and MUTOs in the dark, Godzilla may have used this capacity to keep track of their movements. "Dominion" featured Godzilla as a character for the first time in a Monsterverse film; no other film has had the opportunity to do so so far.

#495 As in King Kong: Skull Island, King Kong decapitates a Warbat and curiously eats the corpse, much to how he eats the Mire Squid (2017).

#496 King Kong appears in the start and conclusion of the film.

#497 During the course of the story, it is revealed that Packard's quick downing of King Kong with napalm in King Kong: Skull Island laid the basis for this revelation.. To get King Kong inside the bio-dome, Monarch utilized this method of knocking him unconscious before the film's events, while they were creating it around him.

#498 It's possible that Bernie Hayes is a play on words with Ben Hayes from King Kong (2005 film).

#499 Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle Mechagodzilla's crimson, dominating lighting system takes influences from the anime's Mechagodzilla, which had very comparable design aesthetic.

#500 The Valhalla-like Hollow Earth Kingdom may be found there. Agartha, as described in the Vedic literature, is the inspiration for Hollow Earth. The Mongolian equivalent of 'Agartha' is 'Asgartha', which is used in Norse mythology to refer to Asgard. Asgard is home to Valhalla. While the Arctic and Antarctic may both access Hollow Earth. This makes Asgard/Arctic the overworld, while it makes Helhiem/Antarctica the underworld. Helhiem is the origin of the word 'Hell'. Naraka is represented in the Ramayana as a region in Sri Lanka that is coated in white powder, consumed in flames, and is the abode of Yama and his retinue in the Hindu epic. For six months of the year, Antarctica is the only geographical mass south of Sri Lanka to be completely dark. Its 136 active volcanoes are also completely blanketed in snow. About 11,700 years ago, a volcanic eruption precipitated the Holocene Extinction catastrophe known as "The Flood" in the Bible and the "Melt Water Post" in science. Atlantis' seven kingdoms and Rama's city of Dwarka, both of which were discovered following the 2004 tsunami, were essentially "sunk" by this catastrophe, which elevated sea levels by 50 meters.

#501 H.E.A.V. is the name given to Apex's ships in the film. It stands for Hollow Earth Anti-gravity Vehicle.

#502 A similar thing happened in King Kong, when humans first thought that he didn't know sign language, but he eventually learned and began to communicate with it (2005).

#503 The Antarctica Vile Vortex is only a few miles away from where Ghidorah was frozen, and Monarch can only speculate about whether he was on his way to the vortex when he was beaten and frozen or had just emerged from the vortex—the fact that the ice around the vortex is more than 30 million years old suggests the former.

#504 They resemble Fellbeasts from The Lord of the Rings by their name and look. – (the ones in the books are explicitly stated to be beaked, featherless beasts, likely meant as an evil counterpart to the eagles).

#505 Millie Bobby Brown described the film as a coming of age story for her character, noting that the character has "grown up" and become more "independent" since the events of the previous film, stating, "Her storyline has definitely evolved greatly in the way she deals with things, her attitude towards life, how much more stronger of a person". Producer Alex Garcia described Madison as the "advocate for Godzilla in this film" who tries to "vindicate" Godzilla and his reasons.

#506 In the original screenplay for Godzilla: The King of the Monsters, Mechagodzilla was featured, according to Max Borenstein, the film's writer.

#507 Precursory to his use of the tree as an axe in Hollow Earth, King Kong uses it against Godzilla and later the mechanical version of the monster.

#508 Until the ship carrying King Kong away from Skull Island attempted to fight him off, Godzilla apparently had no idea that humans considered him their adversary, according to Godzilla vs Kong - The Official Movie Novelization.

#509 Neon Genesis Evangelion accomplished the same exact sequence 26 years earlier, and Godzilla and King Kong's first battle is a direct rip-off of it. While later Ren concerns how the infusion of Hollow Earth energy into "the mecha" Simmons orders him to "get in the goddamn chair".

#510 Once at King Kong's hometown, the Hollow Earth, he must first force through several massive stone doors in order to gain admission to the energy source. As in the original King Kong film, the doors and columns on each side are quite identical (1933).

#511 Unlike Ghidorah and the MUTOs, whose motivations were never in doubt, the rise of Mechagodzilla was more of an accident than a calculated strategy. Sadly, he died too soon to express his thoughts, but the Godzilla vs Kong novelization provides some insight into what he might have done had he lived. At this point, Madison was worried that Mechagodzilla might revive Rodan, Scylla and other Titans after defeating King Kong with his tail and resurrecting them.

#512 His famed "jaw snapper" finishing maneuver, originally exhibited during his legendary confrontation with the T-Rex in King Kong, is attempted in their last combat (1933). This time around, though, it's Godzilla's battle-tested skills that give him the upper hand. As for Mechagodzilla, things aren't going so well for him.

#513 When Millie Bobby Brown came for her first day of shooting the crowd scene with Kyle Chandler and two hundred extras, Adam Wingard realized exactly how popular she was.

#514 It's hard to argue that this Mechagodzilla isn't the most powerful depiction of the figure yet. Due to their greater weaponry, the Showa and Heisei equivalents were routinely destroyed anytime Godzilla approached (however Godzilla on his own got beaten with ease by them even all but dying at the hands of the Heisei one, requiring outside help from other Kaiju to defeat both). The Kiryu version could battle him directly, although they were frequently outmatched and could only draw with outside support. In a one-on-one fight, the anime version probably would have defeated Godzilla, but it was unable to do so. Foregoes the more spectacular weaponry in favor of a more powerful atomic breath that can rival Godzilla's and even maul him to near death if the two battle toe to toe. Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle's Mechagodzilla City is, by far, the heaviest incarnation of the creature. When the two met at the end of the movie, it's unclear if Godzilla would have won or lost, but if he had been in better health, he would have done better.

To set the tone for Godzilla vs Kong, the opening titles include footage from prior films with the two titans going head-to-head. King Kong's species profile is described in one of these images as "susceptible to flammable attacks." This implies that he is both clever and powerful. When Preston Packard (Samuel L. Jackson) sets King Kong ablaze in 2017's King Kong: Skull Island, King Kong suffers severe burns. However, despite this, King Kong still has enough power to slay the head Skullcrawler once and for all. In the original King Kong vs. Godzilla from 1962, Godzilla utilizes atomic breath to set a forest ablaze in front of King Kong, highlighting King Kong's vulnerability. While the flames do damage to King Kong, he is able to defend himself. In Godzilla vs Kong, a same scenario happens. Godzilla's radioactive breath is no match for King Kong, as he dodges it multiple times throughout the film. During their fight in Hong King Kong, Godzilla's atomic breath nicks King Kong's back, although it has no effect on him. At the conclusion of the film, Godzilla slashes at his chest, and King Kong breaks his arm after falling from the skyscraper he was standing on. If King Kong hadn't dodged Godzilla's attack, he could have met his end. Intelligence makes up for King Kong's lack of counter-attack skills. The axe King Kong discovers in Hollow Earth is among his many tools for self-defense. With that axe, Godzilla's radioactive breath will not reach King Kong. King Kong is also capable of problem-solving and human communication, which might offer him an edge against Titans in the MonsterVerse in the future. Although King Kong's lack of fire-resistance is a disadvantage, his intelligence and intuition transcend it.

#516 First appearance in an English-language film for Shun Oguri with a major Hollywood studio.

#517 A promotional one-sheet poster debuted at the Licensing Expo in May, and a sneak peek was shown to European exhibitors at CineEurope in June. Warner Bros. Disruptor Beam announced in August 2019 that they will be developing a mobile game to coincide with the premiere of the film. Warner Bros. released a short teaser of the film at Comic Con Experience and then leaked it online in December 2019. Toys & Games Fair photos showing characters from the film were released online in January 2020. Godzilla vs Kong: The Publishing Program and Licensees were announced by Toho and Legendary in February 2020. Legendary intended to print two graphic novels, one after Godzilla and the other after King Kong, as well as an art book, novelizations, and a children's book, under the publishing program. Playmates Toys, Bioworld, Rubies, Funko, 60Out, and the Virtual Reality Company were among the licensees chosen. Toy pictures from the next Godzilla vs Kong movie were leaked online in April 2020, depicting new forms for Godzilla and King Kong, as well as Mechagodzilla and a new monster dubbed Nozuki. Concept art for Playmate figurines and packaging was made public online in July 2020. Short portions of the film were screened at Comic Con Experience in December 2020, and a teaser for HBO Max was released in January 2021. That same month, a teaser poster and the trailer's release date were posted online. It was launched on January 24, 2021, for the first complete trailer. 25.6 million YouTube views in 24 hours; 15.8 million from Warner's channel and an extra 9.8 million from the studio's subsidiary channels made this Warner Bros.' greatest trailer launch ever.

#518 Max Borenstein, the screenwriter for the film, revealed to Collider that the axe used by King Kong was made from the scales of a Godzilla-like monster "According to my interpretation, it appears that Godzilla has conductive scales with a radioactive quality, while primates have developed a kind of primitive civilization with simple tools. They used the spine of a Godzilla creature. If this isn't the only one, I'm guessing there are many more like it."

#519 The Hellhawks were referred to as Yoshuma throughout filming. A Playmates mini-packaging figure's reveals their eventual name.

#520 When he roars in King Kong's face and holds him down, Godzilla's eyes glow crimson if you look carefully.

#521 As a child, Adam Wingard was taught that Godzilla would always prevail against King Kong. "I was so offended by that." he says of a childhood friend's suggestion that King Kong would win. He was eager to put an end to that debate via the production of this film. King Kong's triumph was going to be like Rocky's, you know you don't really have to win to be a winner, and Godzilla appreciates that."

#522 The Pteranodon from the original 1933 King Kong film served as inspiration for the Hellhawks.

#523 The Warbats design was inspired by the cryptid the Namibian Flying Snake.

#524 The roar of King Kong's entry inside his old abode is reminiscent to the one from the 1976 film.

#525 On Skull Island, King Kong lives in a biodome surrounded by holograms mimicking his natural environment, which is a nod to The Truman Show (1998).

#526 nerd is how Julian Dennison defined his persona, while "only friend" describes Madison. On Josh, Dennison referred to him as 'the realist' in the partnership since he brought up the idea that they should not do anything because they might die. And her response is, "No, it will be fine." So, in my opinion, they are doing rather well. This is an excellent blend of pure crazy."

#527 The film makes no mention of Alan Jonah's fate or how the skull of Ghidorah's remaining head, which Jonah got, ended up in the hands of Apex Cybernetics Even though it's all but certain that Jonah meets with Walter Simmons and sells him two of Ghidorah's heads, his motivations for doing so (since Apex's objective is diametrically opposite to his) remain unknown.

#528 According to the New York Times, the film only cost $155 million to produce. Other sources have contested the accuracy of this figure. There's some logic to that, considering that Godzilla was a costly project for the company.

#529 Although Dr. Ilene Chen, played by Zhang Ziyi, was initially intended to appear in the film, she was removed from the final cut for unclear reasons. Perhaps she was shaved to prevent being mistaken for Ilene Andrews, who was also on the show at the time.

#530 Although King Kong and Godzilla are comparable in the sense that they're big, destructive animals that still retain a degree of intellect and both function as counterbalances to much greater dangers, they are nonetheless extremely distinct. Whilst Godzilla, although not actively destructive, doesn't particularly care about the well-being of mankind, King Kong is clearly said to be the protector of Skull Island's residents and of having an instinct to safeguard human life. Conversely, although Godzilla never purposefully murders any people, King Kong is particularly savage with his devastation of the military even albeit it was justifiable. Although both Godzilla and King Kong are touted as being the last of their respective type, Godzilla is a millions-of-years-old sea-beast with the mentality of a Grumpy Old Man to match, however King Kong is an adolescent by his species' standards and has probably been active ever since he was born. Finally, Godzilla is a reptile and King Kong is a mammal.

#531 Godzilla's Anguirus is another possible inspiration for the hollow earth lizard. Its roars are accompanied by a shrieking sound, like Anguirus' roar. Alternatively, the lizard could not be completely matured at this point in time.

#532 Adam Wingard, the film's director, explained why the Serizawa tie was eliminated. Wingard claims that the decision was taken due to a lack of other options. We just did not have the time to go further into the narrative. It was fun to leave it open-ended. That's what I've heard about the novelization. The novelizations interest me, so I'll have to look into it," Wingard said before going on to elaborate. "I've heard that there are a number of sequences that weren't even in the screenplay. I'm looking forward to seeing that take, and I hope it goes further into the monster's mind.

#533 There's a view of the sun rising over Apex's headquarters with the moon hovering above it just before Mechagodzilla bursts through the APEX stadium. The monolith picture from 2001: A Space Odyssey looks a lot like this (1968).

#534 Aside from the fact that Godzilla spared King Kong instead of killing him, this scene is very similar to the scene in King Kong Skull Island in which the Skull-Devil pins King Kong down and roars at him, but the human characters saved him by shooting at the Skull-Devil.

#535 Tennis balls and lasers were used to portray the Titans, MechaGodzilla, and Skullcrawler during filming.

#536 First Godzilla's bones were employed in Millennium Mechagodzilla, and this is the second Mechagodzilla to use kaiju bones to power up.

#537 Before taking total control of Mechagodzilla, it is revealed in the novelization that Ren meant to murder Walter.

#538 A trailer was released less than two months before the film's release, and a theatrical release poster was released only two months before the film's release (which, at that point, was already several months after the originally planned date).

#539 Mechagodzilla's AI and/or Ren Serizawa's consciousness are absorbed by the Ghidorah-remnants to generate a new personality, and the Ghost Amnesia and the Mecha's AI and/or Ren Serizawa's mind are also assimilated by the Ghidorah-remnants to form a new personality.

#540 According to Eiza González, her function is that of a "very smart woman behind a company." It was also "slightly comedic." according to her. For González, the role of a high-ranking female character who is not a stereotyped Latina woman was a pleasant surprise.

Aspects of Mechagodzilla from the Heisei and Showa eras, as well as Mecha-King Ghidorah, have been included into this incarnation. There have been three depictions of mechanical demons in malevolent roles, the first of which was his counterpart in 1970s Japan and the second of which was Mechagodzilla City from the anime trilogy (fourth if you count the Mechagodzilla from Ready Player One). Like the Showa Mechagodzilla and anime versions, he's an extraterrestrial in a sense, as he's really Ghidorah. His hands spin like the Showa Mechagodzilla and anime versions. Because of this, his arms have the same ape-like length as those of his predecessors. He can grip and pummel his adversaries in ways that previous versions of the character couldn't. Like his Heisei predecessor, he was fashioned from the bones of King Ghidorah and is armed with weaponry that can negate all of Godzilla's most potent powers. In a Beam-O-War, Godzilla loses because his Breath Weapon is more powerful than his own. The manga version of Godzilla versus Mechagodzilla II uses the story premise of Mecha-King Ghidorah taking over to complete what he began as a nod to Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II's Mecha-King Ghidorah. When his natural mind wakes, his mech becomes insane, much like Kiryu. This Mechagodzilla, like Kiryu, has a tendency to shoulder ram and outmaneuver Godzilla with the help of his jets. In addition to his tail-mounted drill, he also possesses a right-handed drill. Because he is powered by an unknown energy source and can run eternally, he is like the character from the anime. His red eyes and physique are identical to those of the Ready Player One version, as are his flexibility and strength.

#542 Godzilla seems to pay homage to Jaws when he first tackles King Kong (1975). The anchor and bow of a ship that Godzilla shatters are attached to his tail. After Quint has shot the first barrel into the shark in Jaws, the bow of the ship emerges, advances toward King Kong, and then pulls him beneath the surface. When Godzilla submerges the ship's bow, you can hear the faint ringing of a buoy bell. Jaws used a major usage of this sound.

#543 Wingard gave an in-depth explanation of why the film clocks in at little over two hours long. As he said to Variety, he loves to keep his films under two hours long on purpose. The filmmaker also remarked that if Godzilla vs Kong were to run for three hours, the Titans' battle would probably not be included. He made the following declaration: "Many of my internet followers inquired, "Will this be a three-hour film?" Many people were surprised to learn how long the film was when it was reported that it was just a little over two hours long. Anything under two hours is OK for me. To my mind, a film that runs longer than two hours must have a compelling purpose for doing so. There isn't going to be an additional hour of monster combat if you cut this movie down to three hours. The discussion of monsters will continue for an additional hour."

#544 Kyle Chandler will feature in his second King Kong flick. King Kong (2005) featured Chandler as a whole new character.

#545 The logo of Bernie's podcast, the Titan Truth Podcast, is eerily reminiscent of a billboard for the highly criticized TriStar Godzilla (1998) film, which has a large Godzilla eye positioned diagonally.

#546 Prior to the film's release, Mechagodzilla's debut was reported to be a "open secret" that many fans had predicted. Terminator-inspired designs were used to help shape the character's appearance. An artist and creature designer noted that this meant that Mechagodzilla had to look like Godzilla since, as an intelligent animal and hunter, seeing anything very similar to himself would have an extremely frightening impact on Godzilla himself.

#547 A week before its US premiere, the picture was released in 38 other countries and was expected to earn $70 million in its first five days of release, according to estimates. Despite the film's expected $50 million premiere in China, it generated $21.5 million (RMB 140 million) on its first day of release there. The film launched to $123.1 million globally, the highest worldwide opening of the epidemic for a Hollywood picture, defying expectations and breaking all previous records. China, Mexico, Australia, Russia, Taiwan, India, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Spain were the company's most lucrative markets, with a total revenue of $69,2 million (RMB 450.5 million) and $6.5 million, respectively. The film made $850,000 in Indonesia (Rp. 12.3 billion).

#548 During the opening credits of Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), most of the titans seem vanquished on a computer screen.

#549 This is the shortest film in the MonsterVerse, clocking in at only 113 minutes (1 hour and 53 minutes).

There you go! How many of these Godzilla vs Kong facts did you know?

Check back soon for more Kaiju trivia.

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