Horror Movie Sequels That Went to Space

Horror movie sequels are always a hit and most horror movie fans are looking for the next great scare. But what happens when horror movie villains go to space? Here are 5 horror movie villains that went to space. Some were successful, while others were not so much.

1. The Leprechaun

Leprechaun 4: In Space is the sleeper of the Leprechaun horror movie series. Yes, it's set in space, but that's exactly what makes it so mind-numbingly great. Leprechaun 4 is a perfect example of how to take a totally ridiculous premise and turn it into something really "special." The movie is chock-full of practical effects, creative kills, and Leprechaun quotes that will have you rolling on the floor. If you're a fan of Leprechaun movies or horror movies in general, Leprechaun 4: In Space is a must-watch.

2. Pinhead

Hellraiser: Bloodline is a fascinating continuation of the series that also serves as a prequel. The story spans three different time periods: the 1700s, the 1990s, and the 2200s. My expectations for the fourth installment of the series were not very high, and let's be honest: I'm really only here for Pinhead and the other Cenobites. It is always a pleasure to see Doug Bradley perform because he maintains that icy, sinister, and demonic aura. This makes no sense and is difficult to grasp, but who cares about any of those things? Even if you've seen everything of Hellraiser before, you should see Bloodline simply for Pinhead's sequences since they're so terrifying. If you liked Hellraiser or any of the other works by Clive Barker, you should check out this one for sure. Even if there isn't a whole lot of logic behind it, it's still a really entertaining journey.

3. Critters

When I heard that Critters 4 was going to be set in space, I have to admit I was intrigued. I mean, how could they possibly top the previous Critters movies? But then I saw the cast list and it just didn't look promising. Brad Dourif? Angela Bassett? And a famous Danish actor named Anders Hove? I just didn't see how this was going to work.

All of my fears were confirmed when I finally saw Critters 4. The story was bad, the characters were bad, and it was just a rip-off of other franchises set in a terrible location. What really hurts from a fan perspective is that the very things that made the previous entries unique and entertaining are either completely stripped out or just not present at all. Critters 4 is a complete mess and a huge disappointment.

4. Dracula

Dracula 3000 is one of those rare bad horror movies that's so bad it's nearly unwatchable. I love to hate Dracula 3000 to death , even though it's atrocious throughout its entire run time my main gripe is with the ending was a total cop-out left me utterly unsatisfied . I had hoped "Dracula in Space" would be so bad it's good, but instead it was so bad it was terrible. The premise is fun, but the acting is bad, and the dialogue is absolutely unbearable. I recommend watching it if you want to be miserable the rest of the day.

Also, Coolio. It stars Coolio. Did I mention that?

5. Jason Voorhees

Jason X is the most infamous horror movie sequel where the villain goes to space. Jason Voorhees is the man, the myth, the legend. How he got into space, it doesn't matter. Why he's in space, no one cares. All that matters is that Jason is in space and ready to wreak havoc.

In my opinion, Jason X is worth watching for easter eggs and callbacks to other Friday the 13th movies, as well as his transition into Uber Jason.

While this movie isn't everyone's bag, it's a great watch for horror movie fans that love campy, cheesy, slasher films.


Horror movie sequels are a VERY mixed bag. Some sequels, like Leprechaun 4: In Space, take an already ridiculous premise and turn it into something special. Others, like Dracula 3000, are so bad they're nearly unwatchable. If you're a horror movie fan, it's definitely worth checking out some of the more infamous horror movie sequels in space. Who knows, you might just find a new favorite horror movie.

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